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Dynamic duo

June 26, 2018 - The Torch

Two former UVic students, Patrick McFadden and Kyle Hagen, independently co-founded Iris Dynamics and launched a Kickstarter campaign in 2013 to develop this unique human-machine interface. Now, five years later, they have a bustling office on Quadra Street and a growing number of projects and partners. They have seven employees, two of whom are UVic students pursuing engineering degrees.

Read more: Dynamic duo
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Better health through science

June 22, 2018 - The Torch

Elizabeth Borycki was interested in health informatics long before the science had a name. Now she teaches, researches, consults and publishes on the science of designing, developing and managing digitized health systems, technologies and data. A professor with UVic's School of Health Information Science, she's recognized around the world as a leading health informatics researcher, scholar and innovator.

Read more: Better health through science
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Passion for people

February 28, 2018 - The Ring

Geographer Jutta Gutberlet and psychologist Jim Tanaka have devoted their careers to helping others—especially children and families and those who live in poverty. As the 2018 recipients of the Provost's Engaged Scholar Award, their commitment to communities locally and internationally will be celebrated at a March ceremony.

Read more: Passion for people