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The language of community

June 6, 2024 - The Ring

As a student in Mandarin classes at UVic, Mina Guan approached the material as someone who grew up with Mandarin and Cantonese in the home—what’s known as a heritage language learner. In class, she found a community of other heritage lan…

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An archive of their own

June 6, 2024 - The Ring

When you ask graduating Honours English student and Loran Scholar Maya Wei Yan Linsley about their work, they might tell you, “I took being a nerd a little too seriously.” You could call research the driving force behind Linsley’s …

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Inuvialuit delegation shares climate change displacement with scientists

May 6, 2024 -

Climate displacement is underway, and scientists are starting to learn about these realities from those experiencing this first-hand. A delegation of young Inuvialuit leaders from Tuktoyaktuk, NWT, travelled more than 2,300 km to Victoria to meet with government scientists and detail what life is like living with the impacts of climate change and climate displacement on your doorstep.

Read more: Inuvialuit delegation shares climate change displacement with scientists