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Mapping the health of kelp forests

January 5, 2023 - The Ring

Canopy-forming kelp forests are a vital lifeline for spawning herring and juvenile salmon, but a raft of environmental stressors make the future of those underwater forests uncertain. A new research alliance is examining the resilience and decline of bull kelp along the BC central coast due to warming ocean temperatures, in hopes of identifying areas of potential protection and possible restoration.

Read more: Mapping the health of kelp forests
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HIV research and art intersect in a powerful way

November 30, 2022 -

HIV In My Day, a community-based oral history project that gathered the stories of HIV survivors and caregivers during the early years of BC’s HIV/AIDS epidemic, has been adapted into a play. In My Day will premiere in Vancouver at The Cultch theatre, the day after World AIDS Day. The play takes its script from almost 120 oral history interviews collected from 2017 to 2020 as part of a University of Victoria-led research project.

Read more: HIV research and art intersect in a powerful way
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On track for discovery

October 31, 2022 - The Ring

Matthew Thibodeau will be crossing the Farquhar Auditorium stage this November to receive his Bachelor of Science degree—and if he maintains the pace he set for himself at UVic, you might see him sprint across. During his undergraduate studies, Thibodeau ran on the Vikes track team, did several co-op terms in Heather Buckley’s lab, won UVic’s 2022 Honours Fest competition, earned co-authorship on four research papers, and is first author on a research paper due to be published soon.

Read more: On track for discovery
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Clean energy future

October 28, 2022 - knowlEDGE

Rural and Indigenous communities are poised to play a central role in Canada’s low-carbon energy future, according to one of Canada’s top energy transition researchers. UVic geographer and civil engineer Christina Hoicka explains that as the impacts of climate change grow, a massive upscaling of renewable energies will be required.

Read more: Clean energy future
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Q&A on reproductive health research

October 27, 2022 -

When the US Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade in June, it threw into turmoil the issue of reproductive rights south of the border and made abortion activists in Canada and around the world take notice. Two UVic faculty members paid particular attention, as they’d been working on a research project on access to abortion services for Indigenous people.

Read more: Q&A on reproductive health research