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Discovery tests theory on cooling of white dwarf stars

March 6, 2024 - Media release

Open any astronomy textbook to the section on white dwarf stars and you’ll likely learn that they are “dead stars” that continuously cool down over time. New research published in Nature is challenging this theory, with the University of Victoria (UVic) and its partners using data from the European Space Agency’s Gaia satellite to reveal why a population of white dwarf stars stopped cooling for more than eight billion years.

Read more: Discovery tests theory on cooling of white dwarf stars
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Upcycling lives

February 5, 2024 -

UVic geographer Jutta Gutberlet is helping communities of waste pickers in Brazil improve their working conditions, form co-operatives and advance social movements.

Read more: Upcycling lives
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Canada and Spain scientists establish new Antarctic Ocean observatory

January 16, 2024 - Media release

Canadian and European experts in polar observation are joining forces in a new partnership that will see Ocean Networks Canada (ONC) operating a subsea observatory at the Spanish Antarctic Station, providing year-round, near real-time data on ocean conditions there—the first time that ONC will extend its ocean monitoring outside Canadian waters.

Read more: Canada and Spain scientists establish new Antarctic Ocean observatory
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DNA found for Coast Salish woolly dog

December 14, 2023 -

In a first high-resolution DNA study of "Mutton"—the only known woolly dog fleece in the world—an international researcher team from the Smithsonian’s Natural Museum of Natural History and UVic, pinpointed the genes responsible for the unusually long, crimpy undercoat, which was highly spinnable and could be made into warm blanket yarn.

Read more: DNA found for Coast Salish woolly dog
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New director joins Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium

November 20, 2023 - Media release

Xuebin Zhang has been named director, president and chief executive officer of the Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium (PCIC), bringing more than a decade of experience collaborating on PCIC projects and 25 years of experience as a research scientist with Environment and Climate Change Canada where he led the assessment on changes in temperature and precipitation for Canada’s Changing Climate Report.

Read more: New director joins Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium