Meningitis immunization campaign

February 24, 2017 - The Ring

What do you do with unimaginable heartbreak? One couple, Mabel and CK Chan, are working to make sure that other parents never experience their loss—and that others’ children are protected from deadly meningitis infections. A UVic immunization campaign kicks off on March 1.

Read more: Meningitis immunization campaign
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Development of syphilis vaccine one step closer

August 16, 2016 - Media release

An international team of scientists co-led by a University of Victoria researcher is one step closer to a vaccine for syphilis. Co-leaders UVic microbiologist Caroline Cameron and University of Washington’s Sheila Lukehart received a $2.3 million grant (USD) from the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health. The grant will allow them to continue to make headway on vaccine development.

Read more: Development of syphilis vaccine one step closer
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Just one drop: UVic-based technology set to revolutionize standard blood tests

January 20, 2016 - The Ring

A small six-person team of scientists and lab technicians are leading a global revolution in medical diagnostics—from right here, in Victoria. Healthy or not, all of us at some time have been subjected to one of the most common forms of medial diagnostics—the dreaded blood test. But what if there was a way to avoid this uncomfortable process?

Read more: Just one drop: UVic-based technology set to revolutionize standard blood tests
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Listening to the “voice” of proteins

January 7, 2015 - The Ring

When UVic engineering professor Dr. Reuven Gordon describes the biomedical engineering technique of listening to and recording the “voice” of proteins, it sounds a lot like a modern take on Horton Hears a Who, Dr. Seuss’s children’s story of an elephant who hears a voice calling from a microscopic dust speck. “Everything small has resonances. Everything has a voice,” Gordon says of the protein molecules measuring a single nanometer in size—the building blocks of life that are a million times smaller than an ant and emit sound at a frequency a million times higher than the human ear can hear.

Read more: Listening to the “voice” of proteins
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US patent for UVic process to battle cancer

February 13, 2014 - The Ring

Chemistry professor Dr. Frank van Veggel likes to work with extremely small particles and very big ideas. He’s developed a process whereby nanoparticles, each 10 times smaller than a speck of dust, could someday assist oncologists better identify and target cancerous tumours and, in some cases, eliminate the need for painful and potentially dangerous biopsies.

Read more: US patent for UVic process to battle cancer