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Student team triumphs at national cybersecurity competition

November 7, 2019 - The Ring

A team of four UVic students came home champions from a national competition in October, for a software solution to help small businesses achieve cybersecurity. Six finalist teams were invited to present their solutions at the People in Cyber Conference in Toronto on Oct. 19. The UVic team, which won the $3,000 grand prize, impressed the judges with a package that included a working web application—not just a concept

Read more: Student team triumphs at national cybersecurity competition
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Knowledge: cyber safe

November 26, 2016 - The Ring

As digital technology becomes increasingly integrated and more advanced, so too does the threat to cyber-security. UVic’s Information Security and Object Technology research lab has been addressing this threat since 1999. Coordinator and research engineer Issa Traoré admits it’s a constant battle to keep ahead of hacker expertise and adaptability.

Read more: Knowledge: cyber safe
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An algorithm for teamwork

March 2, 2016 - The Ring

Game programming contests drive student interest, experience and skill—and are putting UVic on the map in the programming world On Saturday, Feb. 20, UVic played host to a virtual battle, attended by over 300 students and developers wanting to test their artificial intelligence programming skills. It was the third annual BattleSnake competition. In the classic arcade game Snake, a player maneuvers a growing “snake” around the computer screen. As the snake grows in size, it becomes more difficult for the player to avoid making the snake run into itself. BattleSnake builds on this simple game: as the snake eats apples, it grows in size. Run into a wall, your own tail, or another snake’s tail and it’s game over. But there’s a competitive aspect to this version: run head-on into another player’s snake and the longer one consumes the shorter one.

Read more: An algorithm for teamwork