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UVic researchers partner with biotech company on innovative cancer treatment

June 30, 2016 - The Ring

Two University of Victoria biochemists are entering into a collaboration that could take immunotherapy—the latest and most promising form of cancer treatment—to the next level. UVic’s Martin Boulanger and Brad Nelson, a researcher with UVic and the BC Cancer Agency, are partnering with Vancouver-based biotech company Zymeworks Inc. on a cell engineering strategy that will make immunotherapy more potent and precise.

Read more: UVic researchers partner with biotech company on innovative cancer treatment
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Just one drop: UVic-based technology set to revolutionize standard blood tests

January 20, 2016 - The Ring

A small six-person team of scientists and lab technicians are leading a global revolution in medical diagnostics—from right here, in Victoria. Healthy or not, all of us at some time have been subjected to one of the most common forms of medial diagnostics—the dreaded blood test. But what if there was a way to avoid this uncomfortable process?

Read more: Just one drop: UVic-based technology set to revolutionize standard blood tests
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US patent for UVic process to battle cancer

February 13, 2014 - The Ring

Chemistry professor Dr. Frank van Veggel likes to work with extremely small particles and very big ideas. He’s developed a process whereby nanoparticles, each 10 times smaller than a speck of dust, could someday assist oncologists better identify and target cancerous tumours and, in some cases, eliminate the need for painful and potentially dangerous biopsies.

Read more: US patent for UVic process to battle cancer