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Expert on impact of racist team names, logos and mascots on Indigenous Peoples

July 14, 2020 -

Paul Whitinui (School of Exercise Science, Physical and Health Education) is an Indigenous Māori scholar from Aotearoa New Zealand and is available to media to discuss this week’s announcements that the Washington Redskins and the Saanich Braves, under increasing public and financial pressure, will change their nicknames.

Read more: Expert on impact of racist team names, logos and mascots on Indigenous Peoples
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Vikes promote safe sport principles through new initiatives

March 9, 2020 - The Ring

Vikes athletics is advancing the package of initiatives announced earlier this year that further its commitment to providing a supportive high-performance athletic environment aligned with the principles of safe sport. Safe sport principles recognize that all athletes and coaches have the right to participate in a safe and inclusive training environment that is free of abuse, harassment or discrimination.

Read more: Vikes promote safe sport principles through new initiatives
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New Vikes initiatives aimed at supporting high-performance athletes

January 23, 2020 - The Ring

UVic is unveiling several initiatives that build on the Vikes' rich athletic tradition and its ongoing and deep commitment to providing a supportive high-performance environment for student athletes. The changes and additions aim to affirm, educate and support a culture of excellence for UVic athletics and provide improved resources for students and coaches.

Read more: New Vikes initiatives aimed at supporting high-performance athletes