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UVic neuroscientists get a head start on concussion diagnosis

March 25, 2015 - The Ring

When a young person hits their head on the ice, on the field or at the pool it can cause damage to the brain. However, current assessment techniques make it difficult for medical practitioners to diagnose a concussion because the tools currently in use are subjective and difficult to interpret. Thanks to $750,000 in new funding from the Canadian Foundation for Innovation, the BC Knowledge Development Fund and UVic’s Division of Medical Sciences, two of Canada’s top brain injury experts are on the case.

Read more: UVic neuroscientists get a head start on concussion diagnosis
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US patent for UVic process to battle cancer

February 13, 2014 - The Ring

Chemistry professor Dr. Frank van Veggel likes to work with extremely small particles and very big ideas. He’s developed a process whereby nanoparticles, each 10 times smaller than a speck of dust, could someday assist oncologists better identify and target cancerous tumours and, in some cases, eliminate the need for painful and potentially dangerous biopsies.

Read more: US patent for UVic process to battle cancer
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A nursing education that spans the province

June 4, 2013 - The Ring

Life inside a hospital can be stressful, but nursing school graduate Kara Sundberg has found the perfect way to use the nurturing skills needed as a nurse outside the hospital to help her relax. “I focus my free time on working with animals and I have been fostering dogs in my area for years,” says Sundberg. “This has turned out to be a wonderful stress reliever after a long, chaotic shift on a busy medical unit.”

Read more: A nursing education that spans the province
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For the love of science

June 3, 2013 - The Ring

UVic’s first neuroscience program graduate moved to Victoria to study – and she intends to stay. Anna Patten found UVic’s graduate program in neuroscience, which will confer its first degree to her this June, through love. Not just love of science – but for the young Canadian man she met while working in a British pub.

Read more: For the love of science

Two awards for Lynne Young

March 7, 2013 - The Ring

Dr. Lynne Young (nursing) has been awarded the 2013 College of Registered Nurses of British Columbia (CRNBC) Award for Excellence in Nursing Education, presented to registered nurses who demonstrate excellence in nursing education in the nurse’s own work settings (e.g., colleges, institutes, universities or health care agencies). She has also been selected as recipient of the 2012 Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing (CASN)Award for Excellence in Nursing Education (Tenured), which acknowledges the contributions and accomplishments of individuals to the realization of CASN’s mission and to promote and disseminate good practices in nursing education.

Read more: Two awards for Lynne Young
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Brain to brawn: Training one leg strengthens both after stroke

January 9, 2013 - The Ring

To recover strength and ultimately perhaps the ability to walk, the best bet after a severe stroke might just be to forego working the weaker, more-affected side. It seems counter-intuitive, but high-intensity strength training on the less-affected side could have remarkable potential for helping recover mobility after a stroke, new UVic research indicates.

Read more: Brain to brawn: Training one leg strengthens both after stroke