Powering up for United Way

The UVic United Way campaign committee is pleased to announce that we are three quarters of the way towards our fundraising goal of $269,000. In order to meet our target we still need your support!

Coinciding with the campaign kick-off on October 1, UVic employees received emails detailing how to donate online using the United Way e-pledge system. For more information about online donations please visit the UVic United Way website.

“UVic is a giving place,” UVic campaign chair and Dean of Law Jeremy Webber says. “It is so great to be off to such a good start. I’d especially like to encourage new donors to add the United Way to their other contributions. United Way has a broad and deep impact, speaking directly to the needs of our friends, our neighbours, our co-workers. Think especially about making a payroll deduction. It makes giving easy and dependable.”

With your gift, you have the power to change lives and the community we live in. To see the impact your donation can make, check out the United Way Impact Calculator. Last year alone, the United Way impacted the lives of more than 80,000 people in over 100 programs. Change a life today by donating before November 30.

Event update

November will be a busy month featuring familiar events and an exciting new fundraiser. The success of these events depends on your support so please make time to attend as many as you can.

The Plasma Car Race takes place Nov. 3 in the SUB’s Michèle Pujol room (12- 1 p.m.). Come and encourage your favourite teams as they battle it out for top honours. And don’t forget to bring some cash so you can enter to win one of the many raffle prizes that will be up for grabs.

The annual UVic Libraries Book Sale runs from Nov. 17 to 19, followed by the UVic Holiday Artisan Market on Dec. 1 in the Michèle Pujol Room.

The new Power Up the Tower event kicks off on Thursday, Nov. 26 between noon and 4 p.m. How much would you pay to see the President or your dean power their way up the Peninsula Co-op Climbing Centre tower? Here’s your chance to make it happen and all for a great cause!

For more details, check the UVic United Way website, Facebook and Twitter.

In this story

Keywords: united way, community

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