Experts on earthquakes

This month marks the 315th anniversary—on Jan. 26, 1700—of the Cascadia megaquake off the west coast. The following three experts from the University of Victoria are available to discuss recent earthquakes off Vancouver Island, including the Jan. 8 tremor near Tofino:

Stephen Johnston (Director, School of Earth and Ocean Sciences) is a geologist who focuses on plate tectonic processes including earthquakes, subduction, mountain-building and continental collision. He studies how the tectonic setting in BC informs the ongoing development of west coast mountain systems. He is available at 250-216-7963.

Lucinda Leonard (School of Earth and Ocean Sciences) teaches the analysis of global plate tectonic environments, including the interpretation of earthquakes occurring in these regions. She has a particular research focus on the assessment of tsunami hazard on Canadian coastlines, and she surveyed the effects of a large tsunami on the west coast of Haida Gwaii resulting from a magnitude 7.8 earthquake in 2012. She is available at or 250-472-4482.

Benoit Pirenne (Director, User Services at UVic’s Ocean Networks Canada) can discuss the Web-enabled Awareness Research Network (WARN) project currently in development as part of ONC’s Smart Oceans initiative. Recently, five new land-based sensors were installed in a number of schools in northern Vancouver Island communities. The Jan. 8 quake registered on these sensors. He can be reached at 250-472-5353 or 250-589-6117 or

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Media contacts

Faculty King (Faculty of Science, Communications & Administration Officer) at 778-987-2527 or

In this story

Keywords: expert, earthquake

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