Experts on Scottish vote


The following UVic experts are available to discuss the historic referendum on Sept. 18 and what it might mean after three centuries of union between Scotland and England:

Paul Wood (Faculty of Humanities) is an expert on the history of Scotland and is the current holder of the Hugh Campbell and Marion Alice Small Faculty Fellowship in Scottish Studies at UVic. He can comment on the current situation as it relates to the political, cultural and economic history of Scotland since the Act of Union of 1707. He is presently teaching a course on the history of Scotland in film. Dr. Wood is available during the week with the exception of the following teaching hours: Mondays from 2:30 to 5:20pm; Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays 10:30 to 11:20 a.m. (Email:

Oliver Schmidtke (Departments of Political Science and History) is an expert in comparative European politics and the director of UVic’s Centre for Global Studies. He can discuss the political controversy surrounding the upcoming referendum on Scottish independence, the possible implications of a yes-vote and the broader effects on struggles for independence in other parts of the world (most notably in Catalonia). Dr. Schmidtke can best be contacted by email this week. (Email:

Alexander Gunn (PhD Candidate, Department of Political Science) studies minority nationalism with a particular interest in the cases of Scotland, Catalonia and Quebec. He can discuss the referendum campaign, the attitudes of the different political parties involved, and the potential implications of a yes- or no-vote for the United Kingdom as well as for other pro-independence movements. He is available to speak on this subject from Sept. 15 onwards at any time of the day. (Cell: 250-886-0876 or

UVic-produced video of Dr. Wood on YouTube:


UVic-produced video of Dr. Schmidtke on YouTube:

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Media contacts

Tara Sharpe (University Communications + Marketing) at 250-721-6248

In this story

Keywords: experts, political science

People: Paul Wood, Oliver Schmidtke, Alexander Gunn

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