Bones and ballistics: Forensic Anthropology Day for high school students at UVic


Members of the media are invited to the UVic campus to interview and film/photograph high school students as they search for forensic evidence in a mock missing-persons case for Forensic Anthropology Day. The one-day course on Saturday, June 21 is co-hosted by UVic’s anthropology department and Let’s Talk Science. This is not a public event.

In the wooded area between the Fraser Building and the University Club, 32 students will be suited-up in blue latex gloves and white Tyvek suits searching in teams for items of forensic significance planted by volunteers: jewelry, shoes, bullet casings and bones. They will map a site and follow protocols of evidence collection used by scientists and forensic police officers in the field. (Note: animal bone will simulate human bone in this exercise.)

What: Forensic Anthropology Day at UVic
When: Saturday, June 21 from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Where: Ring Road at UVic, between the Fraser Building and the University Club. Look for the ‘caution tape’ that will indicate meeting place.

**NOTE: All visiting media please RSVP to coordinate with Stephanie Calce at or 647-222-0543

Let’s Talk Science at UVic is a science and social science outreach program for high school students. Its volunteers are undergraduate, graduate, and medical students, as well as professional scientists and faculty from all disciplines.

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Media contacts

Stephanie Calce (Event organizer/Anthropology PhD student) at or 647-222-0543

Anna Patten (Let’s Talk Science coordinator) at 778-679-2244 or or

Suzanne Ahearne (University Communications + Marketing) at 250-721-6139 or

In this story

Keywords: anthropology

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