Experts on Statistics Canada census release on immigration, religion and ethnic diversity

The following University of Victoria faculty members are available to discuss today’s release of Statistics Canada’s 2011 census report. The results from the National Household Survey include information on religion, immigration and ethnic diversity.

Paul Bramadat (History/Studies in Religion and Society) is director of UVic’s Centre for Studies in Religion and Society and co-leader of the BC node of Pathways to Prosperity, a national research network on immigrant integration. He can comment on religion and ethnicity in Canada, religious diversity, religious accommodation, and regional and demographic trends in religious affiliation and secularization. (Office: 250-721-6324 or

UVic-produced video:

Eric Sager (History) is an expert in Canadian family history and has previously called for the reinstatement of the mandatory long-form census, which was suspended in 2011. Dr. Sager has worked tirelessly over the course of his career to communicate the relevance of history to daily life as well as the essential value of census data for public policy and informed decision-making. His research also focuses on public-use samples of early 20th century Canadian census data. He is available to media May 8 after 2 p.m. (Cell: 250-884-8713 or

UVic-produced video:

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Media contacts

Mitch Wright (UVic Communications) at 250-721-6139 or

In this story

Keywords: immigration, diversity

People: Paul Bramadat

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