Expert on Bodychecking ban in youth hockey

The following University of Victoria faculty member is available to discuss the growing trend toward bodychecking bans in youth hockey to lower the risk of injury, especially concussion:

Dr. Brian Christie (Division of Medical Sciences) is director of UVic’s neuroscience graduate program studying the effects of exercise on the brain, as well as learning and memory mechanisms. He is also part of a cross-Canada team researching tests to gather accurate baseline information and evaluate cognitive function in youth hockey players and can discuss how the research aims to help scientists and doctors better understand concussion and facilitate active recovery from the injury. He is available Monday, May 27 from 12 to 4:30 p.m. and Tuesday, May 28 during the day. (Office: 250-472-4244 or

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Media contacts

Mitch Wright (UVic Communications) at 250-721-6139 or

In this story

Keywords: youth, sports, hockey

People: Brian Christie

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