Copyright legislation of concern to Canadian universities

An act to amend Canada’s copyright legislation, Bill-32, received first reading in the House of Commons on June 2 and public discussion and debate is expected to extend well into the fall when Parliament returns from recess. “Bill C-32 includes several recommendations proposed by the university community,” says UVic Copyright Officer Inba Kehoe (libraries).

“Specifically, it expands fair dealing provisions from private research and study, criticism and review to include education, satire and parody. These and other exceptions will allow, for example, educators and students to use internet material and viewing of films for teaching and learning purposes, as well as allow libraries to provide electronic copies to an interlibrary loan requester. However, provisions prohibiting the circumvention of Technological Protection Measure (TPMs or “digital locks”) are especially contentious for users of digital media.”

Kehoe has created a UVic copyright blog with links to the full text of the legislation, media coverage and responses to the bill by such interested organizations as the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT), the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC) and the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS).

Kehoe will be reviewing Bill C-32 against the current legislation to assess the impact on libraries and for teaching and learning at the university.

UVic copyright blog

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