Media: news releases

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UVic adds billions to provincial economy, benefits extend throughout society

June 20, 2022 - Media release

The University of Victoria’s activities, students and alumni help generate $3.3 billion to BC’s economy and overall prosperity, an independent study and analysis has determined. The independent report by Emsi Burning Glass, released today, indicates that UVic’s total impact in BC supported 40,595 jobs. The economic impact for Greater Victoria is $1.8 billion, or one of out of every nine jobs.

Read more: UVic adds billions to provincial economy, benefits extend throughout society
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World’s first Indigenous law program graduates its inaugural class

April 8, 2022 - Media release

Four years ago, the University of Victoria launched the world’s first law degree to combine the study of Indigenous and non-Indigenous laws. This spring, students in the inaugural class of this historic program are preparing to cross the stage to receive their degrees. UVic’s joint program in Canadian common law (Juris Doctor, or JD) and Indigenous legal orders (Juris Indigenarum Doctor, or JID) equips students with the knowledge that allows them to draw from, engage with, and work across multiple legal systems. Students graduate with both professional degrees (JD/JID).

Read more: World’s first Indigenous law program graduates its inaugural class