Dr. Estair Van Wagner

Dr. Estair Van Wagner

Assistant Professor


Dr. Estair Van Wagner joins the University of Victoria, Faculty of Law, as an Associate Professor starting July 1, 2024. Prior to joining the faculty at UVic, Dr. Van Wagner taught at Osgoode Hall Law School, where she was the co-director of Osgoode’s Environmental Justice and Sustainability Clinic, and the Faculty of Law, University of Victoria Wellington Faculty of Law (Te Kauhanganui Tātai Ture) in Aotearoa New Zealand. Van Wagner completed undergraduate and postgraduate studies in political science, law, and environmental studies at the University of Victoria, Osgoode Hall Law School, and York University.

Dr. Van Wagner has been involved in several SSHRC funded research grants, including as the Principal Investigator of a large-collaborative SSHRC grant examining the relationship between Aboriginal title, Indigenous property and land use systems, and private property on Vancouver Island with Dr. Sarah Morales and Dr. Mike Ekers. She also continues to do research on Maori law and mining in Aotearoa New Zealand as a part of an ongoing collaboration with Dr. Maria Bargh. She is a frequent collaborator with the Office of the Federal Housing Advocate on human rights and homelessness. She researches and teaches at the intersection of property law, natural resource law, planning law, and environmental justice, and her work explores how law is used to structure relations with place and the more-than-human world in both rural and urban settings.

  • BA (University of Victoria)
  • MES/JD (York/Osgoode)
  • PhD (Osgoode, October 8, 2017)