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University of Bergen

Location: Bergen, Norway
Language of instruction: English and Norwegian. Courses for exchange students are taught in English. Norwegian proficiency is not required as an exchange student.
TermsAutumn Semester: August - December / Spring Semester: January - June


  • The University of Bergen (UiB) is situated in Norway's second largest city.
  • Our students love the fact that they can enjoy a bit of city life with plenty of cultural events and simultaneously make use of Bergen's unique opportunities for outdoor adventures.
  • In 2016 the University of Bergen received an award for Excellent International Student Satisfaction, based on almost 16,000 reviews from international students. This is only awarded to universities with an average rating of 9.0 or higher, on a scale up to 10. 


  • Students with special needs can get special arrangements and assistance from UiB during their exchange period. 
  • Please let the UVic Exchange Team know before the application deadline, so that we can inquire with UiB to ensure they can meet your specific needs.  
  • The Student Welfare Organization can offer rooms/apartments that are specially adapted for students with special needs. Supporting documentation (medical certificate) must be submitted if you are interested in this option. 

Area of study

See courses available in English

Note: courses in Earth Sciences, Biology, Music, Fine Art, and Design will have very limited capacity.

Exchange credit history

See the exchange credit history listing of courses that have been previously evaluated from the University of Bergen. Note that this is a guide only, and not a guarantee that your courses would be evaluated in the same way.


On-campus housing: Available
  • Exchange students are guaranteed student housing at the Student Welfare Organization (Sammen), if they apply through Sammen’s application portal during the application period.
  • The students will be offered housing shortly after the application deadline and should accept the offer, even if their admission at UiB is still under consideration.  
  • Shared rooms will be allocated to short term students (1 semester stay). 

Medical insurance, immigration & arrival

  • Medical insurance: Students must have health insurance for their stay in Norway. UiB does not offer health insurance to students. More information on health insurance requirements
  • Immigration: Information on residency permit

How to apply

Learn how to apply or sign up to receive emails about studying on exchange at a partner university. We will send you information about events, application deadlines, funding opportunities, and more!