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Renata Lutz

Settlement Adviser (on leave)

International Student Advising

Office: JCC B202d

Tips for Success

One tip that I would offer new international students starting their program at UVic is... Remember that there are many services on campus who are willing to support throughout your time at UVic. Take the time to get to know what the resources are, and to reach out to them: academic advising, counselling and student support, career services, student groups and so much more. Don’t de afraid to ask questions and advocate for yourself!

One of the best ways for international students to get connected during their time at UVic would be... Put yourself out there! UVic has several student associations, clubs, and programs available where you can meet new people and share your interests. Join the UVic Global Community and attend the Orientation events, and you I guarantee you will meet some wonderful people.

Student Success Tip: Get organized from the start, by taking notes during class and using a calendar for all your assignments and exams. This will help you succeed in your academic life and will also allow for more time and space for your personal and social life. A big part of your student experience is all the amazing connections you will make and places you will explore – there is so much to see on Vancouver Island, you won’t regret it!


I was born and raised in Brazil and have been living in Canada for about 10 years. Victoria felt like home from the very first day and I have not left it since. I am really grateful that I get to live on these beautiful Indigenous lands and for the connection with nature.

My background is in International Relations, Intercultural Studies, and Immigration. I have worked in international education for over a decade, in both private and public institutions. I love learning about people, their culture and to also share some of mine. I believe we have a lot to learn from each other and that we are stronger together. Currently, I am a Settlement Adviser at the ICS and I help students navigate life at UVic and in Canada.


I love being outdoors, reading books, practicing yoga, and going on fun road trips. I am passionate about learning new languages and I am currently working on my Turkish skills!

Fun fact

I spend a lot of time in nature, and I often find myself on some crazy adventure – like getting lost in the woods or kayaking in the open sea. I have learned to never go alone and to always bring a rain jacket and some water with me.