Standing Against Antisemitism

As we reflect upon the disturbing findings of The Antisemitism Worldwide Report 2021 and the Anti-Defamation League’s Audit of Antisemitic Incidents 2021, it has become clear to us that it is no longer possible to remain neutral in the face of an increasingly assertive and pervasive antisemitic and racist discourse.

The reports find a sharp increase in the number of recorded antisemitic incidents in countries across the globe.

Here in Canada, the Jewish service organization and advocacy group B’nai Brith Canada recorded 61 violent incidents in May 2021 alone, representing the highest-ever recorded in a single month by the organization since it began recording such incidents in 1982. Disturbingly, this is a 578% increase over the number of violent incidents recorded in all of 2020 and a 336% increase from all of 2019.

This reflects a growing, global trend in violence, harassment, desecration, denigration and hate speech directed at Jewish people, institutions, organizations and cultures.

In the US, for example, conspiratorial antisemitic views and antisemitic symbols were common on the ground and online before, during and after the Jan. 6 attack on the US Capitol, and continued to be embraced by far-right and radical nationalist groups shaping mainstream conservative discourse.

In Germany, anti-vaccine protesters appropriated the yellow star, replacing “Jude” (Jew) with “Ungeimpft” (unvaccinated), trivializing the victims of Nazi persecution and the Holocaust as a whole. This appropriation of antisemitic Holocaust symbols by anti-vaccine protesters has occurred elsewhere, including at anti-vaccine protests in Victoria.

In Belarus, antisemitic statements and conspiracies are used routinely by the ruling regime in its attacks against opposition parties and their supporters.

This year, in Ukraine, two major Holocaust memorial sites — the Babyn Yar in Kyiv and the Drobitsky Yar memorial near Kharkiv — have been damaged by Russian attacks, while the Russian president severely distorts historical accounts of the Holocaust for his own aims.

It is clear that it is not possible to remain neutral in this context. To remain silent and inactive can only enable this state of affairs to continue unabated.

Therefore, we the undersigned pledge to undertake the following actions against antisemitism and racism in all its forms:

  • to learn about and share with others the ongoing history of antisemitism locally and globally;
  • to stand with or directly support those confronting antisemitism, including those on the front lines of efforts to confront antisemitism and all forms of racism;
  • to support and advance education to counter antisemitism and racism;
  • to bring mindful anti-racist practice into daily life;
  • to challenge stereotypes and reject trivializing narratives;
  • to champion equality and fight for equity;
  • to speak up against antisemitism and all forms of racism;
  • to cultivate empathy and love in response to hatred;
  • and to invite others to do the same.


Annalee Lepp, Dean, Humanities

Alexandra D’Arcy, Associate Dean Research, Humanities

Lisa Surridge, Associate Dean Academic, Humanities

Philip Cox, Communications Officer, Humanities

Sara Humphreys, Assistant Teaching Professor, Academic and Technical Writing Program

Jason Colby, Professor and Chair, History

Richard Fox, Professor and Chair, Pacific and Asian Studies

Martin T. Adam, Associate Professor, Religion Culture and Society

Jeff Corntassel, Professor, Indigenous Studies

Chrissie Forster, Continuing Sessional Instructor, Hispanic and Italian Studies

Janelle Jenstad, Associate Professor, English

Catherine Caws, Professor, French

Andrea McKenzie, Associate Professor, History

Jill Walshaw, Associate Professor, History

Samuel Wong, Assistant Teaching Professor, English

Alison Chapman, Professor, English

Georgia Sitara, Assistant Teaching Professor, History and Gender Studies

Kristin Semmens, Associate Teaching Professor, History

Dr. John Archibald, Professor, Linguistics

Corinne Bancroft, Assistant Professor, English

Charlotte Schallié, Professor and Chair, Germanic and Slavic Studies

Cody Poulton, Professor Emeritus, Pacific and Asian Studies

Peter Cook, Associate professor, History

Mark Nugent, Assistant Teaching Professor, Greek and Roman Studies

Lynne Marks, Professor, History

Angie Chau, Assistant Professor, Pacific and Asian Studies

Paul Bramadat, Professor, History; Director, Centre for Studies in Religion and Society

Marc Lapprand, Professor and Acting Chair, French

Andrew Murray, Assistant Teaching Professor, English and Academic and Technical Writing Program

Martha McGinnis, Associate Professor and Chair, Linguistics

Annye Castonguay, Sessional Lecturer, French

Luke Carson, Associate Professor, English

Audrey Yap, Associate Professor, Philosophy

Sara Beam, Professor, History

John Lutz, Professor, History

Ingrid Holmberg, Associate Professor and Chair, Greek and Roman Studies

Jordan Stanger-Ross, Professor, History

Kaitlyn Berry, Graduate Secretary, Philosophy; Administrative Assistant, Humanities Computing and Media Centre

Iain Higgins, Professor, English

Hélène Cazes, Professor, French

Ewa Czaykowska-Higgins, Professor, Indigenous Education and Humanities

Matt James, Associate Professor, Political Science

Pablo Restrepo Gautier, Associate Professor, Hispanic and Italian Studies 

Alicia Ulysses, Sessional Lecturer, Hispanic and Italian Studies

Allison Barnes, Adjunct Professor, Philosophy

Helga Thorson, Associate Professor, Germanic and Slavic Studies

Stephen Ross, Professor, English and Cultural Social and Political Thought

Christopher Douglas, Professor, English

Gabriela McBee, Assistant Teaching Professor, Hispanic and Italian Studies

Rachel Hope Cleves, Professor, History

Nicole Pointon, Development Officer, Humanities

Theresa Gallant, History, Administrative Officer

Sandra Kirkham, Continuing Sessional Instructor, Linguistics; Program Coordinator, American Sign Language program

Silvia Colás Cardona, Associate Teaching Professor, Hispanic and Italian Studies

Lytton McDonnell, Research Coordinator, Humanities

Laura Smith, Administrative Assistant, Humanities

Jentery Sayers, Associate Professor, English and Cultural Social and Political Thought

Laura Parisi, Acting Chair and Associate Professor, Gender Studies

Peter Golz, Associate Professor, Germanic and Slavic Studies

Chris Goto-Jones, Professor, Philosophy

Jennifer Sauter, Assistant to the Chair, Germanic and Slavic Studies

Sara Harvey, Associate Professor, French

Matt Pollard, Associate Teaching Professor, Germanic and Slavic Studies

Joseph Grossi, Associate Professor, English

Mamoru Hatakeyama, Assistant Teaching Professor, Pacific and Asian Studies

Emile Fromet de Rosnay, Assistant Professor, French

Lincoln Shlensky, Associate Professor, English

Laura Fanning, Continuing Sessional, English and Academic and Technical Writing Program

Rebecca Gagan, Assistant Teaching Professor, English

Magdalena Kay, Professor, English

Colin Macleod, Professor and Chair, Philosophy

Consuela Covrig, Undergraduate Secretary and Assistant to the Chair, History

Heather Waterlander, Graduate Program Administrative Assistant, History

Christine O'Bonsawin, Associate Professor, History and Indigenous Studies

Laurel Bowman, Associate Professor, Greek and Roman Studies

Peter Dietsch, Professor, Philosophy

Matthew Koch, Continuing Sessional Lecturer, History

Lydia Toorenburgh, Indigenous Resurgence Coordinator, Faculties of Science, Social Sciences and Humanities

David Dolff, Continuing Sessional Lecturer, History

Beatriz de Alba-Koch, Associate Professor, History

Alyssa Arbuckle, Associate Director, Electronic Textual Cultures Lab

Estelle Kurier, Sessional Lecturer, Hispanic and Italian Studies

waaseyaa’sin Christine Sy, Assistant Professor, Gender Studies

Alejandro Sinner, Associate Professor, Greek and Roman Studies