Christine O’Bonsawin

Christine O’Bonsawin
Associate professor
Office: CLE B303

BSM (Brock), MA, PhD (Western Ontario)

Area of expertise

Indigenous sport history, Olympic history, Indigenous rights

(Abenaki Nation) Christine received a B.A. in Sport Management from Brock University in 1999 and then went on to graduate school at The University of Western Ontario where she completed a MA in 2002 as well as a Ph.D. in 2006 in the area of sport history. While in graduate studies, Christine's research focus was primarily in the areas of Olympic and Indigenous histories – both areas of personal significance and importance. During this time she was fortunate to study at Western’s International Centre for Olympic Studies, work on the CBC’s Olympic team, and spend six weeks in Ancient Olympia, Greece studying at the International Olympic Academy.  While completing her Ph.D., Christine taught in the First Nations Studies program at Western. Since moving to the University of Victoria in 2007 she has remained committed to researching, writing, and teaching in areas related to sport, Olympic, and Indigenous histories.

Selected publications

w/ Russell Field, Janice Forsyth, and Murray Phillips, eds. Decolonizing Sport. Halifax: Fernwood Press (in press).

“The Feasibility of Indigenous-Led Olympic Games: The Olympic Movement’s Legal Responsibilities to Indigenous Peoples in Canada and Globally.” In Decolonizing Sport, edited by Russell Field, Janice Forsyth, Christine O’Bonsawin, and Murray Phillips. Halifax, Fernwood Press (in press).

“To Respect Indigenous Territorial Protocol: Hosting the Olympic Games Hosting the Olympic Games on Indigenous Lands in Settler Colonial Canada.’ In Indigenous Resurgence Edited Collection, edited by Heidi Kiiwetinepinesiik Stark, Amie Craft, and Hokulani Aikau, 191-204. Toronto: University of Toronto Press (2023).

“Wearing My Heart on My Sleeve: Transgressing the Traditional Boundaries of Sport History.” Sport History Review 53, no. 2 (2022), 157-160.

w/ Michael Heine. “The 1936 Internationale Tanzwettspiele, Canadian Settler Colonialism, and the Appropriation of Indigenous Customs.” Journal of Olympic Studies: Race and the Olympic Games (special issue), edited by David Wiggins and Damion Thomas (2022), 49-71.

w/ Janice Forsyth. “Past and Future Considerations: Indigenous Sport History in Canada. In Routledge Handbook of Sport History, edited by Murray Phillips, Doug Booth, and Carly Adams, 295-302. Oxford: Routledge (2021).

w/ Nicolas XEMŦOLTW̱ Claxton, Denise Fong, Fran Morrison, Maryka Omtsu, John Price, and Sharanjit Kaur Sandra, eds. Challenging Racist “British Columbia”: 150 Years and Counting. Victoria: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives – BC Office, 2021.

w/ John Price, eds. BC Studies: (Un)Settling the Islands: Race, Indigeneity, and the Transpacific (special issue), no. 204 (Winter 2019/20).

“The Assertion of Canada’s Colonial Self in National and International Sport.” In Sport and Recreation in Canadian History, edited by Carly Adams, 275-302. Champaign: Human Kinetics (2020).