Dr. Lisa Surridge

BA (Queen's), MA and PhD (Toronto)
Area of expertise
Victorian fiction and culture; illustrated Victorian serial fiction; legal writing
Lisa Surridge specializes in Victorian fiction and culture. She also teaches legal writing to lawyers, judges, and prosecutors in workshops and seminars across Canada. Dr. Surridge is the winner of the 2009 Faculty of Humanities Teaching Award and the 2008 Faculty of Humanities Award for Research Excellence.
See her "Faces of UVic Research" video.
Lisa Surridge is the author of Bleak Houses: Marital Violence in Victorian Fiction (Ohio UP, 2005) and co-editor (with Richard Nemesvari) of M.E. Braddon's sensation novel Aurora Floyd (Broadview, 1998). Her articles and reviews have appeared in Victorian Studies, Victorian Literature and Culture, Victorians Periodicals Review, Dickens Studies Annual, Victorian Review, Women's Writing, Victorians Institute Journal, University of Toronto Quarterly, and The Journal of the History of Sexuality. She is co-editor of the Broadview Anthology of Victorian Prose, 1832-1900, forthcoming 2012, and has contributed articles on Victorian illustrated fiction to the Cambridge Companion to Sensation Fiction (2012), the Blackwell Companion to Sensation Fiction (2011), and Dickens in Context (2011).
Selected book publications
The Plot Thickens: Illustrated Victorian Serial Fiction from Dickens to Du Maurier
By Mary Elizabeth Leighton and Lisa Surridge, Ohio UP, 2018.
In the early 1800s, books were largely unillustrated. By the 1830s and 1840s, however, innovations in wood- and steel-engraving techniques changed how Victorian readers consumed and conceptualized fiction. A new type of novel was born, often published in serial form, one that melded text and image as partners in meaning-making.
These illustrated serial novels offered Victorians a reading experience that was both verbal and visual, based on complex effects of flash-forward and flashback as the placement of illustrations revealed or recalled significant story elements. Victorians’ experience of what are now canonical novels thus differed markedly from that of modern readers, who are accustomed to reading single volumes with minimal illustration. Even if modern editions do reproduce illustrations, these do not appear as originally laid out. Modern readers therefore lose a crucial aspect of how Victorians understood plot—as a story delivered in both words and images, over time, and with illustrations playing a key role.
In The Plot Thickens, Mary Elizabeth Leighton and Lisa Surridge uncover this overlooked narrative role of illustrations within Victorian serial fiction. They reveal the intricacy and richness of the form and push us to reconsider our notions of illustration, visual culture, narration, and reading practices in nineteenth-century Britain.
Bleak Houses: Marital Violence in Victorian Fiction
Ohio UP, 2005.
The Offenses Against the Person Act of 1828 opened magistrates' courts to abused working-class wives. Newspapers in turn reported on these proceedings, and in this way the Victorian scrutiny of domestic conduct began. But how did popular fiction treat "private" family violence? Bleak Houses: Marital Violence in Victorian Fiction traces novelists' engagement with the wife-assault debates in the public press between 1828 and the turn of the century.
Lisa Surridge examines the early works of Charles Dickens and reads Dombey and Son and Anne Bronte's The Tenant of Wildfell Hall in the context of the intense debates on wife assault and manliness in the late 1840s and early 1850s. Surridge explores George Eliot's Janet's Repentance in light of the parliamentary debates on the 1857 Divorce Act. Marital cruelty trials provide the structure for both Wilkie Collins's The Woman in White and Anthony Trollope's He Knew He Was Right.
Locating the New Woman fiction of Mona Caird and the reassuring detective investigations of Sherlock Holmes in the context of late-Victorian feminism and the great marriage debate in the Daily Telegraph, Surridge illustrates how fin-de-sicle fiction brought male sexual violence and the viability of marriage itself under public scrutiny. Bleak Houses thus demonstrates how Victorian fiction was concerned about the wife-assault debates of the nineteenth century, debates which both constructed and invaded the privacy of the middle-class home.
M. E. Braddon's Aurora Floyd, ed. Richard Nemesvari and Lisa Surridge
Broadview Press, 1998
Aurora Floyd is one of the leading novels in the genre known as sensation fiction, a tradition in which the key texts include Wilkie Collins's The Woman in White, Ellen Wood's East Lynne, and Dickens's Great Expectations. When Aurora Floyd was first published in serial form in 1862-63, Fraser's Magazine asserted that "a book without a murder, a divorce, a seduction, or a bigamy, is not apparently considered either worth writing or reading; and a mystery and a secret are the chief qualifications of the modern novel."
The novel depicts a heroine trapped in an abusive and adulterous marriage, and effectively dramatizes the extra-legal pressures which kept many such unhappy marriages out of the courts: fear of personal scandal, and of betraying one's family through the publicity and expense of the process. Aurora's bigamous marriage dramatizes the need for expeditions divorce without the enormous social cost, but the overt sexuality of the heroine shocked contemporary critics. "What is held up to us as the story of the feminine soul as it really exists underneath its conventional coverings, is a very fleshy and unlovely record," wrote Margaret Oliphant.
Braddon's text is studded with references to contemporary events (the Crimean War, the Divorce Act of 1857) and the text has been carefully annotated for modern readers in this edition, which also includes a range of documents designed to help set the text in context.