Kim Shortreed

Recent PhD
BA, MA, PhD (UVic)
Area of expertise
I studied settler approaches and reactions to Indigenous namescapes and attempts to “decolonize” toponymies. As part of this work I studied historiographies and narratologies, British Columbia history, cartographic technologies (analogue and digital), anticolonial methodologies and practices, Digital Humanities, and text encoding. Supervisor: Dr. Janelle Jenstad.
Kim Shortreed just completed a PhD in Media Studies and Digital Humanities at the University of Victoria. He is also an artist, freelance copyeditor for UBCIC the (Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs), and a Business Analyst at UVic.
Refereed Content
Academic paper, "Skateboarding in Place: Creating and Reclaiming Namescapes Through 'Skatescapes',” Pivot: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Thought, Summer 2022, York U.
Conference paper, Somatic Cartography and Stories: Mapping Meaning Onto the Body, York U EGSA Conference, 5 May 2022: "Skateboarding in Place: Creating and Reclaiming Namescapes Through 'Skatescapes'.”
Conference abstract (co-authored), Digital Humanities 2011, Stanford University, 9 Jun. 2011: “The Colonial Despatches of Vancouver Island and British Columbia: A Digital Edition of a Large-Scale Document Collection.”
Conference paper, Playing the Angles: Intersections, Margins, and Parallels in Cultural Production, University of Victoria, 9 Mar. 2007: “To All Appearances a Refuge: Examining the D’Arcy Island Lazaretto through Paul Ching Lee and Marilyn Bowering.”
Creative Outputs
Installation art project, Untitled ṮEṮÁĆES map, UVic PhD Defense, 2023, collaboration with TEMOSEṈ Chazz Elliott and Jesse Campbell. See for more.
Poem, The Lamp Journal, 2019. Title: “Haecceity,” from my unpublished collection, Spoke and Word: 32 Poems About Bikes.
Poem, Aethlon: The Journal Of Sport Literature, 2019. Title: “23.09.2018 UCI Women's Team Time Trial,” from my unpublished collection, Spoke and Word: 32 Poems About Bikes.
Poetry performance, Sport Literature Association, 36th Annual Conference, 19-22 Jun. 2019: read selections from Spoke & Word: 32 Poems About Bikes.