Stephanie Lahey

Stephanie Lahey

Recent PhD


BA (SMU), MA (uOttawa)

Area of expertise

Material textuality; Legal manuscripts; Medieval literature; Law and/in literature; Quantitative Humanities; Digital Humanities; Public Humanities.

Dissertation (Working Title): Offcut Parchment in Later Medieval British Manuscripts: A Mixed-Methodology, Corpus-Based Study

Supervisors: Dr. Adrienne Williams Boyarin (Victoria), Dr. Erik Kwakkel (UBC iSchool)

I am a SSHRC-funded PhD candidate, and holder of both the Howard E. Petch Research Scholarship and a University of Victoria Fellowship. My doctoral dissertation examines the use of parchment ‘offcuts’ — low-quality byproducts of parchment manufacturing — in manuscripts produced in later medieval England, offering a broad survey and statistical analysis of such codices, and highlighting the significance to scholars of this aspect of their materiality. A recent Guest Researcher at Universiteit Leiden, I am the Editorial Assistant of the peer-reviewed journal Early Middle English, serve on the Public Relations and Outreach Committee of the Canadian Society of Medievalists / Société canadienne des médiévistes, and teach at DHSI (course: “Understanding the Pre-Digital Book”) and at the University of Victoria where I am instructor of record for MEDI 452

Recent Scholarly Activity 

  1. [Conference paper (refereed)]. “Into the Zone? Analysing Parchment Flaws in a Corpus of Later Medieval English Manuscripts”. International Medieval Congress 2018. University of Leeds. Leeds, UK. 04 Jul 2019. [Upcoming].
  2. [Journal article (peer-reviewed)]. “On the Origin and Provenance of Victoria, McPherson Library, Doc.Brown.4: Sir Thomas Mowbray’s Care of Newnham Priory”. Florilegium, vol. 33, 2018. [Forthcoming].
  3. [Additional training]. 2019 Mar 10–15: ManuSciences’19. Le CAES du CNRS, Villa Clythia, Fréjus, France. Web. [Upcoming].
  4. [External award]. Canadian Society of Medievalists / Société canadienne des médiévistes Student Presentation Prize 2018. Winner by unanimous vote for best student paper presented in any field of medieval studies at the 2018 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences. Web.
  5. [Consulted and cited]. Zimmer, Ben. “Riders, From Goat Skin to the Oscars”. The Wall Street Journal. 08 Mar 2018. Web.
