Dr. Patricia MacKenzie

Dr. Patricia MacKenzie
Associate Professor
School of Social Work
Office: HSD B309

PhD (U of Edinburgh)

Area of expertise

Social work practice in health care settings

Professional Information & Research Interests | Education | Selected Publications | Selected Grants & Awards | Recent Courses Taught

Professional Information & Research Interests

  • Health promotion
  • Interdisciplinary practice
  • Disability
  • Rural issues
  • Aging
  • Gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender issues
  • Social work practice in health care settings
  • Qualitative research methods

Patricia MacKenzie joined the School of Social Work at the University of Victoria as an Associate Professor in July 1999. Prior to coming to UVic, Pat spent 11 years as an Associate Professor and Director of the Saskatoon Community Education Center at the University of Regina. Pat also practiced as a social worker in Victoria from 1974 to 1988. She has an MSW from UBC and a Ph.D. from the University of Edinburgh. Pat teaches in both the undergraduate and graduate programs of the School of Social Work and is a research affiliate at the Centre on Aging.  Pat has served as the Associate Dean in the Faculty of Human and Social Development from 2003 to 2005 and as Associate Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies from 2005 to 2012. Her primary research interests are in the area of mentoring, the scholarship of learning and teaching, Eportfolios, health care, ageing and interdisciplinary practice.

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PhD (Social Work) University of Edinburgh, 2000
MSW (Social Work) UBC, 1981

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Selected Publications

Books & Book Sections

  • MacKenzie, P. (2010). The Multiple Layers of Mothering Work: Grandparents Raising Grandchildren. In C. Benoit and H. Hallgrimsdottir (Eds.), Valuing Intimate Labour: Gender and Work in Economic and non-Economic Organizations. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
  • MacKenzie P. (2005). Social Work with the Rural Elderly. In M. Holosko (Ed.), Social Work with Elderly People: Third Edition. Toronto: Canadian Scholar's Press
  • Brown, L., Callahan, M., MacKenzie, P., Whittington, B. (2003). Knitting up the raveled sleeve of care: Grandmothers making families with their grandchildren. In L. Bella (Ed.), Family Making. Toronto: Canadian Scholar's Press.
  • MacKenzie, P. (1996). Social Work Practice with the Cognitively Impaired Clients of an Adult Day Program. In M. Holosko and M. Feit (Eds.), Social Work Practice with the Elderly: Second Edition. Toronto: Canadian Scholar's Press.
  • MacKenzie, Patricia A. (1994). Social Work Practice in Geriatric Assessment Units. In M. Holosko and P. Taylor (Eds.), Social Work Practice in Health Care Settings: Second Edition. Toronto: Canadian Scholar's Press.
Journal Articles
  • Purkis, M. E., Borycki, E., Kuzienmsky, C., Black, F., Cloutier-Fisher, D., Fox, L., MacKenzie, P., Syme, A., and Tschanz, C. (2011). Extending the team component of the Latimer ethical decision-making model for palliative care. Journal of Health Care Leadership. March 21, 2011. Dove Press.
  • MacKenzie, P., Callahan, M., Brown, L., Whittington, B. (2009). Grandmothers caring for Grandchildren. In Denise Cloutier-Fisher, L. Foster, and D. Hultsch (Eds.), Health and Aging in British Columbia: Vulnerability and Resilience, Western Geographical Series, Vol. 43 (Summer 2009)
  • Kuziemsky, C. E., Borycki, E. M., Black, F. M., Boyle, M., Cloutier-Fisher, D., MacKenzie, P., Purkis, M. E., Syme, A., Tschanz, C., Wainwright, W. & Wong, H. (2009). An Interdisciplinary team communication framework and its application to healthcare "e-teams" systems design. BMC Medical Informatics, Vol. 15, 9-43.
  • Treloar, R., Funk, L., & MacKenzie, P. (2008). Famialism, Health and Choice in Family Carework During Three Life Transitions: Prenatal Care, Separation and Divorce, and Raising Grandchildren. Canadian Journal of Public Health. Spring Supplement, 2008.
  • Chappell, N., Funk, L., MacKenzie, P., Stanwick, R., Carson, L. (2007). On Implementing comprehensive multi level health promotion research, from field implementation. American Journal of Public Health. Vol. 23, Summer 2007.
  • Chappell, N., Funk, L., MacKenzie, P., & Stanwick, R. (2005). Promoting Health in Mid-Life: Community-based Participatory Research and the Partnership Process. Community Development Journal. Vol. 41(3), Spring 2005, 352-366.
  • MacKenzie, P., & Bjornson, D.L. (2005). Working Across the Disciplines/Shifting Perspectives: Student experiences with an online course focused on interdisciplinary practice with children and families. Journal of Technology and Teaching in the Human Services. Vol. 2(1).
  • Callahan, M., Brown, L., MacKenzie, P., and Whittington, B. (2004). Catch as Catch Can: Grandmothers raising their grandchildren and kinship care policy. Canadian Review of Social Policy. Vol. 54, Fall/Winter 2004.
  • MacKenzie, P., & Denise Cloutier-Fisher. (2004). Home Sweet Home: Experiences of Place for In-migrant persons in small town British Columbia. Rural Social Work. Vol. 9(2). Spring 2004.
  • MacKenzie, P. (December 2001). Aging People in Aging Places: addressing the Needs of Older Adults in Rural Saskatchewan. Rural Social Work: Special Canadian/Australian Edition. Vol. 6(3). University of South Australia/LaTrobe University. 
  • Wooldridge, D.B., Parker, G., & MacKenzie, P. (1987). An Acute In-Patient Geriatric Assessment Unit. In Rubenstein, L., et al, Clinics in Geriatric Medicine. Vol. 3(1), February 1987. 

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Selected Grants & Awards

  • "Making the Most of Graduate Education," H. Tuokko, P. MacKenzie, A. Devor. Learning and Teaching Centre Development Grant. (2008/2010)
  • "National Initiatives for the Care of the Elderly (NICE)," Patricia MacKenzie, with L. MacDonald et al. Networks of Centres of Excellence - New Initiatives Program, Government of Canada. (2006/2010)
  • "Enhancing Recreation and Leisure Activities for Socially Isolated Seniors and People with Disabilities," P. MacKenzie (CI), with Liz McCarter, Vancouver Island Health Authority and Doug Nutting, Recreation Integration Victoria. New Horizons Canada: Health and Welfare Canada. (2005/2006)
  • "The BC Network for Interprofessional Education for Collaborative Patient-Centred Practice: Building Capacity and Fostering System Change," G. Charles, L. Bainbridge, J. Gilbert, M.E. Purkis, P.A. MacKenzie, et al. Health Canada: Health and Human Resources Strategies Division. (2005/2009)
  • "Overcoming Barriers to Communication throughEnd-of-Life," P.A. MacKenzie (CI), with F. Lau, P. Kirk, and M.E. Purkis. Canadian Institutes for Health Research: New Emerging Teams. (2004/2009)

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Recent Courses Taught

  • SOCW 571 - MSW Capstone
  • SOCW 531 - Critical Exploration of Leadership Roles for Social Workers in Health Care
  • SOCW 304A - Social Work Practicum by Prior Learning Assessment (PLA)
  • SOCW 506/540 - Advanced Practice Practicum/Foundation Practicum
  • SOCW 356 - Human Growth and Behaviour in the Social Environment in a Global Context
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