Dr. Leslie Brown

Dr. Leslie Brown
Professor- Retired 2015
School of Social Work



PhD (Public Administration) University of Victoria, 1996

Professional Information & Research Interests | Education | Selected Publications | Selected Grants & Awards | Recent Courses Taught

Professional Information & Research Interests

Research Methods (most particularly critical qualitative approaches)
Community Development
Child Welfare
Indigenous Governance and Human Services

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PhD (Public Administration) University of Victoria, 1996
MPA (Public Administration) University of Victoria, 1984
BSW (Social Work) University of Regina, 1977

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Selected Publications

Books & Book Sections

  • Brown, L., Johnson, S., de Finney, S., & Green, J. (forthcoming). Fish Soup for the Indigenous Soul. In T. Dawson, C. Etmanski and B. Hall (Eds.), Teaching Community-Based Research: Linking Petagogy to Practice. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
  • Brown, L., and Green, J. (forthcoming). Indigenous approaches to citizenship: Lessons for social work curriculum. In L. Dominelli and M. Moosa-Mitha (Eds.), Reconfiguring Citizenship: Social Exclusion and Diversity within Inclusive Citizenship Practices. Ashgate Publishing.
  • Strega, S., Manning, E., Brown, L., Dominelli, L. and Walmsley, C. (2012). Fathering in Child Welfare. In Jessica Ball and Kerry Daly (Eds.), Engaging Fathers in Social Change: Lessons from Canada. Vancouver: UBC Press.
  • Walmsley, C., Brown, L., Callahan, M., Dominelli, L., and Strega, S. (2011). Engaging Fathers in Child Welfare. In K. Kufeldt and B. McKenzie (Eds.), Child Welfare: Connecting research, policy and practice (2nd edition) (pp. 385-398). Waterloo: Wilfred Laurier Press.
  • MacKenzie, P., Brown, L., Callahan, M., and Whittington, B. (2011). Spinning the family web: Grandparents Raising Grandchildren in Canada. In C. Benoit and H. Hallgrimsdottir (Eds.), Valuing Care Work: Comparative perspectives. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
  • MacKenzie, P., Callahan, M., Brown, L., and Whittington, B. (2009). The Multiple Layers of Mothering Work: Grandparents Raising Grandchildren. In D. Cloutier-Fisher, L. Foster, and D. Hultsch (Eds.), Health and Aging in British Columbia: Vulnerability and Resilience. Victoria: Western Geographical Press.
  • Brown, L., Strega, S., Callahan, M., Dominelli, L., and Walmsley, C. (2009). Engaging Fathers in Child Welfare. In S. Strega and J. Carriere (Eds.), Walking this path together: Anti-racist and anti-oppressive child welfare practice. Winnipeg: Fernwood Publishing.
  • Brown, L. & Strega, S. (Eds.) (2005). Research as resistance: Critical, indigenous and anti-oppressive approaches. Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press.

Journal Articles

  • Strega, S., Janzen, C., Brown, L., Carriere, J., and Thomas, R. (forthcoming) Never innocent victims: Street sex workers in Canadian print media. Violence Against Women.
  • Janzen, C., Strega, S., Brown, L., Carriere, J., and Morgan, J. Nothing short of a horrow show: Triggering abjection of street sex workers in Western Canadian newspapers. Hypatia.
  • Dominelli, L., Strega, S., Walmsley, C., Callahan, M., and Brown, L. (2012). Here's my story: Fathers of 'looked after' children recount their experiences in the Canadian child welfare system. British Journal of Social Work.
  • de Finney, S., Green, J., and Brown, L. (2009). Toward Transformational Research for and with Indigenous Communities. First Peoples Child & Family Review, Vol. 4(2), 92-95.
  • Walmsley, C., Brown, L., Callahan, M., Dominelli, L., and Strega, S. (2009). More than a Playmate, Less than a Co-parent? Fathers in the Canadian BSW Curriculum. Canadian Social Work Review, Vol. 26(1), 73-96.
  • Strega, S. Brown, L., Dominelli, L., Walmsley, C., and Callahan, M. (2009) Working with me, Working at me: Narratives of fathers in child welfare. Journal of Progressive Human Services, Vol. 19(2), 72-91.
  • Brown, L., Callahan, M., Strega, S., Dominelli, L., Walmsley, C. (2009) Manufacturing ghost fathers: The paradox of father presence and absence in child welfare. Child and Family Social Work, Vol. 14(1), 25-34.
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Selected Grants & Awards

  • "Exploring the process and outcomes of partnering with urban Aboriginal partners to promote physical activity for young children", Leslie Brown, Beverly Smith, Carmen Rodriguez, Alison Preece and Patti-Jean Naylor, UAKN. (2013).
  • "Strategies to improve the educaton of urban Aboriginal youth", Brown, L., and Johnson, S., UAKN. (2013).
  • "Indigenous child well-being training initiative", Brown, L., Green, J., Vancouver Foundation. (2013).
  • "Indigenous child well-being research training", Brown, L., Vancity. (2013).
  • "Urban Aboriginal knowledge network research for a better life", D. Newhouse et al (Leslie Brown as co-applicant), SSHRC. (2012).
  • "Putting it on the agenda: Health and safety priorities for street sex workers and their families", Susan Strega, Leslie Brown, Jeannine Carriere and Caitlin Janzen, CIHR. (2012).
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Recent Courses Taught

  • SOCW 527 - Research Methods
  • SOCW 318 - Research Strategies for Social Work Practice
  • SOCW 580 - Research Methodologies
  • SOCW 580 - Indigenous Knowing and Researching
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