Learning resource kit

The Learning Resource Kit has links to information, policies, and other resources that we hope will assist you in preparing for and completing BSW courses online.

To: University of Victoria Distance Education Students in Social Work

From: Jessica Mussell

Hi everyone and welcome to UVic!

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself as the Distance Learning and Research librarian, who supports the social work programs at UVic, and encourage you to make use of our library services to assist you with your studies. Please visit SOCW LibGuide for the library introduction.

As a distance student, you can contact the Distance Learning and Research unit to request specific books or articles from the UVic Libraries. To request any of these services, call us anytime at 250-721-6488 or email 

You may request an unlimited number of books sent to your home address* at no charge. Return postage is included. If you can't find an article you want online, let us know. We can help!!

To locate information on a course topic or research paper, you can access the UVic Libraries main search tool. Databases, including PsycInfo and Social Work Abstracts, can be accessed by clicking "Advanced search", then "Databases Search", or you can go to this listing of databases particularly relevant to Social Work.

If you have a difficult topic which you would like to discuss or if you need help conducting your search, you can contact me at .

We welcome your questions in whatever form they come!

We can help you to:

  • gain remote access to the Library resources
  • devise tips and strategies for using any of the online databases more effectively;
  • formulate a search strategy or choose appropriate key words for your topic;
  • broaden or narrow the focus of your search;
  • access other resources appropriate for your topic;
  • search the Web more effectively;
  • and much more!

In short, we can help to make the UVic library and its resources more accessible to you.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Regards, Jessica

*Due to border restrictions we can only mail out books from out collection to addresses within Canada. 

Updated: March 2023

UVic Centre for Academic Communication

APA Style Guide (7th ed.) 

APA Style Tutorial (7th ed.)

Writing skills

Developing your critical analysis skills (PDF)

Dan Kurland's: www.criticalreading.com

Critical thinking skills

Essays and arguments: a handbook on writing argumentative and interpretative essays

Writing an annotated bibliography

Additional Writing/Analysis Resources:

Critical Thinking, Reading & Writing Basics

What is critical thinking? (Walden University)


Critical writing (University of Leicester)


Short guide to critical thinking (UNSW)


Strategies for critical thinking (Walden University)


Narrated Power Point on Critical Thinking (WLU)


Writing Basics

Understanding the assignment (Walden University)- (Scroll to the bottom of this link for a podcast)


Writing discussion posts (Walden University)



Writing papers (Walden University)


Writing an essay (Harvard University – excellent site!)


Organization and clarity in writing: Fixing common errors (Madeline Walker, former writing tutor, Nursing)


Punctuation and grammar (narrated power point by Madeline Walker)

Punctuation Matters!

Hit Parade of Common Writing Errors (UofT)


Writing Argument Papers

How to write a strong argument paper:


Madeline Walker resource on argument papers (narrated power point): 


Short guide on writing an argument paper (Laura Zern – Nursing)


 Argument requires excellent use of rhetoric:  Rhetoric explained (3:26)


Other Types of Papers

Not an argument paper? Perhaps it is an exploratory paper – see this guide: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/728/1/

Writing an annotated bibliography


Writing Manuals & Resources

Highly recommended site – Purdue’s Online Writing Lab (OWL) – many resources including APA Guide:


Also highly recommended – UofT resources on reading and writing:


Four Directions Writing Guide for Indigenous Students (Ryerson)


Writing manual for Indigenous graduate students from Wilfrid Laurier University:

PDF File

University of Wisconsin – Madison Writing Handbook (covers many topics)



Quick Guide from UVIC Library:


APA explained in video (Memorial University):


Specific Concerns

Managing time and stress


Is your writing “flabby”? Check it out here – site highly recommended by students:


Concerned you might be unintentionally plagiarizing? This webpage on paraphrase and plagiarism gives examples of unsuccessful paraphrase and explains why it is considered plagiarism; examples of legitimate paraphrase, and an explanation of shared language


For technical or connectivity problems and questions regarding Brightspace, please contact the Computer Help Desk at:

Additional Support & Resources:

UVIC Learn Anywhere - Virtual Centre for Student Learning