Dr. Evert Lindquist

Dr. Evert Lindquist
Office: HSD A334

PhD (UC Berkeley), MPP, MA, BA

Area of expertise

Public sector and public service reform, Designing and implementing policy interventions, Digital and collaborative governance, Horizontal governance and administration to support policy interventions, Organizing for policy and administrative innovation, Role and influence of think tanks in policy networks, Competing values in public sector leadership and reform


Professional information & research interests

Dr. Lindquist joined the School of Public Administration in 1998, serving as the Director until 2009 and again from January 2012 to June 2015. Professor Lindquist has been the Editor of Canadian Public Administration, the journal of the Institute of Public Administration of Canada since January 2012. He was awarded BC Lieutenant Governor’s Silver Medal Award for Excellence in Public Administration, Institute of Public Administration of Canada (Vancouver/ Victoria Regional Groups), 23 June 2016.

Professor Lindquist's first academic appointment was in the University of Toronto's Department of Political Science (1988-98). He was the first Visiting Scholar at the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (1992-94), a Visiting Scholar at Griffith University in 2004, and a Senior Academic Visiting Fellow with the Canada School of Public Service. During 2010 and 2011, Professor Lindquist held the ANZSOG-ANU Chair in Applied Public Management Research at the Australian National University.

Research interests

  • central decision-making, including the evolving role of central agencies, budgetary processes, consultation, business planning, government transitions, and performance reporting;
  • public sector reform, including research on government restructuring, career public service, alternative service delivery, and implications for central agencies;
  • how governments address complex policy challenges, including how to build capacity for comprehensive initiatives, managing whole-of-government issues and horizontal management;
  • the role of think tanks, experts, and research in policymaking, amidst the dynamics of policy communities and networks; and
  • exploring the potential of visualization techniques for problem-solving, analyzing data, and policy development.

Selected publications

Journal Articles and Chapters

  • “Canada’s Response to the Global Financial Crisis: Pivoting to the Economic Action Plan”, Ch. 23 in Policy Success in Canada: Cases, Lessons, Challenges (E. Lindquist, M. Howlett, G. Skogstad, G. Tellier, P. ‘t Hart, eds.). Oxford Uniy. Press, June 2022 in press
  • “The ecology of open innovation units: adhocracy and competing values in public service systems” (w. M. Buttazzoni), Policy Design and Practice, 4:2 (2021), 212-227.
  • “Think tanks and policy communities: analysing policy influence and learning from the analogue to the digital era”, Ch. 8 in Handbook on Think Tanks in Public Policy, eds. D. Abelson and C.J. Rastrick. Edward Elgar, 2021, pp. 100-118.
  • “The Policy Cycle: From Heuristic to Theory-Informed Research and Advice”, Ch. 23 in Handbook of Public Administration, Fourth Edition, eds. W.B. Hildreth, G.J. Milller, and E.A. Lindquist. Routledge, 2021, pp. 303-322.
  • “Have Policy Process Scholars Embraced Causal Mechanisms? A Review of Five Popular Frameworks" (with J. van der Hiedjen, J. Kuhlman, and A. Wellstead), Public Policy and Administration, April 2019 https://doi.org/10.1177/0952076718814894.
  • “Policy capacity and recruiting expertise in public services: acquiring talent in evolving governance circumstances”, Ch. 8 in L. Dobuzinskis and M. Howlett, eds. Policy Analysis in Canada. Policy Press UK (International Library of Policy Analysis), 2018, pp. 165-185.
  • “The Machinery and Organizing of Government: The DFAIT-CIDA Merger and Creating a Collaborative Culture", Ch. 5 in J. Craft and A. Clarke, eds., Issues in Canadian Governance. Emond Montgomery, 2018, pp. 69-88.
  • “The Limits to Defying Gravity: Horizontal Governance and Competing Values in Canada’s Westminster System”, Ch. 24 in C. Dunn, ed. The Handbook of Canadian Public Administration, 3rd Edition. Oxford University Press, 2018, pp. 455-471
  • “Visualization Practice and Government: Strategic Investments for More Democratic Governance”, in Gil-Garcia, J. R., Pardo, T.A. and Luna-Reyes, L.F. eds. Policy Analytics, Modelling, and Informatics: Innovative Tools for Solving Complex Social Problems, Springer, 2018, pp. 225- 246.
  • “Accountability and Monitoring Government in the Digital Era: Promise, Realism and Research for Digital-Era Governance in Canada” (w. I Huse), Canadian Public Administration 60:4 (2017), 627-656.
  •  “The Competing Values Framework: Strategic Implications for Leadership, Conflict and Change in Public Organizations” (with Rich Marcy), International Journal of Public Leadership, 12:2 (2016), 167-186.

Recent Books, Collections and Special Isssues

  • Policy Success in Canada: Cases, Lessons, Challenges, eds. E. Lindquist, M Howlett, G. Skogstad, G. Tellier, P. ‘t Hart, eds.). Oxford University Press, publication date June 2022. Comprised of 24 chapters.
  • Handbook of Public Administration, Fourth Edition, eds. W.B. Hildreth, G.J. Milller, and E.A. Lindquist. Routledge, 2021. Comprised of 23 chapters.
  • Editor, special issue on “Indigenous Governance and Public Administration”, Canadian Public Administration, v. 61:4 (2018) and Introduction (pp. 473-478).
  • Co-editor (with A.Clarke and J.Roy), Special Issue on “Understanding Governance in the Digital Era: Agenda for Public Administration Research in Canada”, Canadian Public Administration 60:4 (2017), pp. 547-681.
  • The Global Financial Crisis and Budget Impacts in OECD Nations – Fiscal Responses and Future Challenges, eds. Wanna, J., Lindquist, E., and de Vries, J., Edward Elgar, 2015.
  • Delivering Policy Reform: Anchoring Significant Reforms in Turbulent Times (Canberra: ANU E-Press and ANZSOG, 2011), edited with Sam Vincent and John Wanna.
  • A Critical Moment: Capturing and Conveying the Evolution of the Canadian Public Service (Ottawa: Canada School of Public Service, 2006).
  • Government Restructuring and Career Public Service in Canada, ed. Evert Lindquist. (Toronto: Institute of Public Administration of Canada, 2000).

Grants & awards

  • In April 2021, awarded as co-investigator a $300,000 Insight Grant from SSHRC for Realizing a Carbon-Neutral Economy: A New Governance Framework (2030, 2040, 2050) (Ann Dale, RRU, PI; Evert Lindquist and Tamara Krawchenko, CIs; several other researchers from RRU and UVic; Lindquist lead coordinator for UVic).
  • In December 2020, awarded as co-investigator a $30,000 Knowledge Synthesis Grant from SSHRC in the Skills and Work in the Digital Economy competition (Justin Longo, PI; Evert Lindquist, CI).

Courses recently taught

  • ADMN 605: Comparative Policy and Governance in Public Administration
  • ADMN 504: Government and Governance
  • ADMN 422: Ethical Public Management
  • ADMN 470: Reforming Government
  • ADMN 523: Reforming Government

Professional appointments & memberships

  • Editor, Canadian Public Administration/Administration publique du Canada
  • Member, Institute of Public Administration of Canada