MPA Alumnus, Paul Hendren in the Local Government Spotlight!

Paul HendrenPaul Hendren's Master's project report is this week's Spotlight feature in the  Local Government Management Association's Newsletter. Paul's report, "Getting out the vote: Outreach strategies to increase engagement and participation in the 2018 City of Vancouver election" explores how public outreach activities can be used to increase citizen participation in the Vancouver municipal election.

This report provides a literature review on the topics of political engagement, voter behaviour, and factors known to affect voter turnout as well as analysis of demographic data and socioeconomic indicators for Vancouver’s 23 local areas, and comparisons to voter turnout in the 2014 election.

Identified in this report are key barriers to voting, underrepresented demographics with low turnout, and methods for increasing voter participation through outreach.

Visit the University of Victoria online library to read the full report.