Dr. Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly (he/his)

Dr. Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly (he/his)
Professor & Jean Monnet Chair
Office: HSD A350


Area of expertise

Border studies: border disputes, border security, border management, management of cross border regions; European Union: regional and urban policies, immigration and border security policies; Canada - United States border policies

Professional information & research interests

Emmanuel holds a Jean Monnet Chair in European Union Policy and Governance (2021-24) (more information.)

Emmanuel joined the UVic School of Public Administration in 2001. He was the Jean Monnet Chair in European Urban and Border Region Policy (2014-16), then Jean Monnet Chair in Innovative Governance (2017-20) and is currently Jean Monnet Chair in European Union Policy and Governance (2021-24).

Also, he is the director of the Borders In Globalization research program (2013-20), and Director of the European Union Jean Monnet Center and the Jean Monnet Network research programs (2013-19) as well.

Research interests

  • Comparative and policy relevant research
  • Comparative urban and borders studies, policies, politics and governance
  • Comparative border and migration studies; policy governance

Selected publications

Since 2001 Dr. Brunet-Jailly has published over 100 articles and book sections and 12 books/sections of academic journals.

Journal articles (last four years)

  • with Tatsiana Shaban, “COVID-19 in British Columbia, Canada: health policy responses and social adaptation”, in Noriko Suzuki, Masahisa Endo, Susumu Anaka (2022) Comparing Public Reactions to Wearing Masks in Asia and Europe: Public Behaviour and the State during the COVID-19 pandemic. Routledge Waseda University.
  • Canada-EU-US Relations (2022) in Donald Abelson and Stephen Brooks Transatlantic Relations: Challenges and Resilience, Routledge.
  • (“Introduction: Questioning Japan and its borders” (in Japanese 「序論:日本の境界・国境を問う」 ブルネイ=ジェイ、エマニュエル・池 炫周 直美・ボイル、エドワードwith Hyunjoo Noami Chi and Edward Boyle in Japan's Borders: people or state borders? (2022) Hokkaido University Press: edited by Hyunjoo Naomi Chi Edward Boyle and『日本の境界:国家と人びとの相克』 池 炫周 直美・ボイル、エドワード編.
  • “International boundaries, biological borders, and the public governance of the COVID-19 pandemic: Are we entering a whole new era?” (Chapter one) (2022) in Stanley Brunn and Donna Gilbreath (editors) Covid-19 and a World of Ad Hoc Geographies, Springer.
  • with Benjamin Perrier (2021) “The European Union and member states regulatory approach to health security at the borders” in Arne Kislenko and Wesley Wark, Rethinking Border Security Project – Border Security in the Age of COVID-19. Canadian International Council, BehindtheHeadlines, vol.69/1.
  • “Patterns in nascent, ascendant, and mature border security: regional comparisons in trans-governmental coordination, cooperation and collaboration” (2021) in Commonwealth and Comparative Politics (Taylor and Francis) with Christian Leuprecht, Todd Hataley and Tim Legrand. Published online Dec. 02 2021
  • “The United States -Canada Security Community: a case study in mature border management” (2021) in Commonwealth and Comparative Politics (Taylor and Francis) with Christian Leuprecht, Todd Hataley, Kelly Sunberg, Keith Cozine. Published online Dec. 02 2021.
  • “Cross-border cooperation: a global overview” (2022) Alternatives: Global, Local, Political, Sage. (this is the translation in English of "La cooperación transfronteriza: una visión de conjunto global" published at University of Valencia Press submitted to Alternatives).
  • “US-Canada border cities and territorial development trends” in Eduardo Medeiros (2021) Border Cities and territorial Development. London/New York Routledge-Region and Cities series.
  • "La cooperación transfronteriza: una visión de conjunto global" (in Spanish) in Heriberto Cairo Carou, (2022) Geopolítica de la cooperación transfronteriza: Balance y retos (de la COVID-19). Publicacions de la Universitat de València.
  • “Conclusion: Mobility, Borders and Comparative Research” in Oliver Schmidtke, Michael Carpenter and Melissa Kelly (2023) Borders and Migration in Canadian Comparative Perspective, University of Ottawa Press (accepted in press).
  • How the Brexit-Exit is Impacting the European Union? International Studies (Sage), 58/2 online (2021).
  • with Michael Carpenter, Introduction of the Special Issue: Borderlands in the Era of Covid-19. Borders In Globalization, 2/1, pp. 8-12.
  • Frontières de Guerre, de Paix et Disputes de 1800 à nos jours, (in French) in Gregory Hamez et Anne Laure Amilhat Szary, Frontières, pp. 26-35. Amand Colin 2020.
  • with Birte Wassenberg, Comparing and Contrasting EU Border and Migration Policy – Are They Exemplary - Section Introduction – Borders in Globalization_Review, 2020, 1/2, pp. 23-29
  • Les Frontières de la Chine au 21 siècle, (in French) in Les Marges et les Frontières de la Chine – Quels Enjeux Géopolitiques ? Éric Mottet, Serge Granger, Frédéric Lasserre et Barthélémy Courmont, Presses Universitaires de Montréal Confluence asiatiques (2020).
  • with Astrid Brousselle and Chris Kennedy, More Crisis to come: managing risk and fostering resilience with the COVID-19 pandemic recovery, in Evert Lindquist, editor, Beyond COVID-19: Five Commentaries on reimagining governance for future crises and resilience by Astrid Brousselle, Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly, Christopher Kennedy, Susan D. Philips, Kevin Quigley, Alasdair Robert. Canadian Public Administration, 63/3, 2020. Pp. 391-398.
  • International Boundaries, borders and the Coronavirus pandemic: a new era in border policy and public administration research in Evert Lindquist, editor, Beyond COVID-19: Five Commentaries on reimagining governance for future crises and resilience by Astrid Brousselle, Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly, Christopher Kennedy, Susan D. Philips, Kevin Quigley, Alasdair Robert. Canadian Public Administration, 63/3, 2020. Pp. 385-391.
  • Austerity talk and Crisis Narratives: new memory politics and xenophobia in the European Union by Helga K. Hallgrimsdottir, Ari Finnsson, and Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly (2020) frontiers in Sociology https://doi.org/10.3389/fsoc.2020.00014
  • with Conrad, M., Hallgrímsdóttir, H. & Brunet-Jailly, E. (2019). The Heroes and Villains of an Alternative Europe – How EU Contestation shapes Narratives of Europe in Germany. Politique européenne, 66(4), 96-119, 2020.

Conference presentations, guest lectures and keynotes

Since 2013, Emmanuel has given over 150 conference papers, invited lectures and invited keynotes.

Selected grants & awards

(last five years)
  • 2021-28 SSHRC partnership grant 21st Century Borders, $2.5 million (grant total is $5.6 million) Principal Investigator.
  • 2020-23 Jean Monnet Network Borders, Human-to-Military Security (Database) Euros 299,804 Euros (CA$467,299) Principal Investigator
  • 2020-23 Jean Monnet Chair in European Union Policy and Governance (Territorial, Functional): 50,000 Euros (CA$75,000) Principal Investigator
  • 2020-23 Jean Monnet Project Bringing EU Human Centered Design to British Columbia 57,861 euros (CA$80,000) Tara Ney (Principal Investigator) (co-writer of the grant)
  • 2020-21 SSHRC LOI partnership grant 21st Century Borders, CA$20,000 Principal Investigator
  • 2019-21 Jean Monnet Network grant – Maximilian Conrad (Principal Investigator), University of Iceland lead: Post Truth Politics, Nationalism and the De Legitimation of European Integration - 34,864.63 Euros @ UVic $45,000) with Helga K. Hallgrimsdottir.
  • 2019-21 Jean Monnet Network grant – Birte Wassenberg (Principal Investigator), University of Strasbourg lead : Frontières en Mouvement: quels modèles pour l’Union Européenne - 19.532 Euros @ UVic 28,000) with Helga K. Hallgrimsdottir.
  • 2019-2021 Jean Monnet Center of Excellence – the UVic’s European Union Center of Excellence: 95,560 Euros ($130,000), (Principal Investigator), Successful
  • 2017-2018 SSHRC connection grant – Tara Ney (lead) Co-creating justice: exploring citizen-centred design for public service complaints systems, Co-writer of the grant.
  • 2017-2019 Jean Monnet Network “Comparing and Contrasting EU Migration and Border Policies - Are they Exemplary?": 277,117 Euros ($420,000), (Principal Investigator)

Teaching and supervision - courses taught

  • Jean Monnet Chair 2017-20:
    • CD 509: Dispute Resolution System Design and Public Interest Disputes
    • DR 525: Managing Organizations, Systems and Community Transformations (Jean Monnet Chair 2017-20)
  • Jean Monnet Chair in Innovative Governance (2017-20)
    • ADMN 470 Contemporary Topics in Administration; Intergovernmental Relations (Jean Monnet Chair; online CourseSpace)
    • CD 525 Managing Organizations, Systems and Community Transformations (Jean Monnet Chair; CourseSpace and in-class week long residence). Since 2020 CD 525 merged into CD531
    • DR 509 Dispute Resolution System Design and Public Interest Disputes (Three Units for the Jean Monnet Chair; In Class with CourseSpace/BrightSpace support)
    • DR 505 Policy Process (Jean Monnet Chair course in Class with Brightspace support)
  • Jean Monnet Chair in Human to Security Data Base (2020-23)
    • ADMN/EUS 470 Trade and Customs Border in the 21st Century (CourseSpace/Zoom)
    • ADMN/EUS 470 Managing Border Regions: Cascadia Border Region in Comparative Perspective (CourseSpace/Zoom)
    • ADMN 504: Government and Governance (Jean Monnet Chair course on Brightspace)

Supervisions at UVic (since 2001)

Since 2001, Emmanuel has supervised and served on the committees of over 90 graduate MPA, MA, MACD, MADR (MPA reports/598, and MPA thesis/599) including 14 Ph.D. committees. Currently, Emmanuel is working with three Ph.D. Candidates (Claude, Jules and Shoukia) and two post-doctoral fellows (Benjamin and Michael).

He welcomes students with interests in complex policy and governance issues, such as, the governance of policies straddling international boundaries (custom, ecological, migration, regulatory, security, as well as, urban, regional, planning and transportation governance policies), and, the governance of Canadian policies affecting First Nations in the post Truth and Reconciliation era (such as intergovernmental relations across policy arenas, but also government and self-determination).

Note: during the period 2022-26, BIG_Lab offers annual fellowships to interested students/fellows [Undergraduate ($5000), Graduate/M.A. ($15000), PhD Candidates ($18000), Post-Doctoral Fellows ($40000)].

Also, in collaboration with Birte Wassenberg (Science Po. Strasbourg) Emmanuel welcomes PhD candidates in Border Studies either in co-tutelle, or at BIG_Lab at UVic. Currently BIG_LAB is developing an MA concentration, and, a UVic Certificate in Border Studies – i.e. four Summer Institutes courses).

Professional appointments and memberships

  • European Community Studies Association - Canada
  • Association of Border Studies
  • Urban Affairs Association
  • American Political Science Association
  • Canadian Political Science Association
  • Border Region in Transition

Dr. Brunet-Jailly talks about Borders In Globalization

In this video, Dr. Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly delivers “Are there lessons from Borders in Globalisation research” Association of Borderlands Studies conference, San Diego, CA, USA, April 2019.