Donation from VanCity to the Indigenous Nursing Student Award

Through the wonderful efforts of Marjorie McIntyre, Professor Emeritus and Lynne Milnes, HSD Development Officer, they were successful with VanCity who will be donating funds towards our development of the UVic School of Nursing Indigenous Nursing Student Award

Lauren Dobell, Director of Strategic Partnerships of VanCity wrote to, “…confirm that Vancity is very glad to contribute $8,500 towards a sustainable endowment fund to support Indigenous nursing students, and offer our congratulations on this initiative, in collaboration with INDspire…” 

The overall fundraising goal is $25,000 and this new amount is one step closer. 

Thank you Marjorie McIntyre, Lynne Milnes, the rest of the fundraising initiative team of Margaret Scaia, Carol McDonald and Lynne Young for your continued efforts to raise funds for this important award.