Sierra Jasper wins Island Savings staff award

Sierra Jasper

A Child and Youth Care staff member who goes above and beyond in her work to support students, coworkers and faculty alike has been honoured with this year’s Island Savings HSD Staff Professional Development Award. 

Sierra Jasper (pictured far right), an undergraduate program assistant in the School of Child and Youth Care (CYC), was presented the award at HSD’s Winter Party in December. Nominator Alex Martin, says Jasper has been instrumental in times of change, taking on leadership roles during an undergraduate curriculum renewal, learning new software, and supporting faculty and students in any way she can. 

“Sierra is an exceptional member of the CYC staff team who cares deeply about the success of the school and for her fellow work colleagues,” says Martin, who is academic administrative officer for the school. “I can’t think of a more worthy winner of this award.” 

Jasper, who has worked at UVic for five years, said it was very special knowing a colleague had nominated her.  

"It meant a lot hearing the words of recognition from my nominator, Alex, and from [Acting Dean] Jennifer White at the HSD Winter Party,” Jasper says. 

Her time at UVic has involved a lot of change, including learning new technology through the pandemic, shifting staffing landscapes and a renewed undergraduate program.  

“Through each of those I’ve had different opportunities to grow and learn in my position,” Jasper says. “Though difficult at times, I’ve appreciated the ways in which I’ve been able to grow.” 

The Island Savings HSD Staff Professional Development Award is offered to a staff member who inspires their colleagues by building a sense of community and contributing to a spirit of wellbeing in the workplace. Jasper will use the prize money to pursue graduate school at UVic.