Audrey Wolfe

Audrey Wolfe
Program Coordinator
St. Leonard's Youth and Family Service

BCYC (2014)

Audrey is a program coordinator for a specialized long-term residential program for youth in care. She fills the house with love and stability, acting as a primary caregiver and managing a home with a team of child care workers. Her master's thesis research is looking at how LGBTQ youth make sense of their experiences with sexualized and intimate partner violence.

The School of Child and Youth Care has allowed me to embrace the complexities surrounding my work with children, youth, and families. Through my experiences in the BCYC program, I have learned to bring myself fully into my practice, so that I can work collaboratively with the people I am supporting while being guided by a theoretical framework is entrenched in intersectional feminism and love ethic. This process has transformed the ways that I am a practitioner, a person, and part of my communities.

Subsequent education: currently pursuing an MA in CYC at UVic