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Gustavson School of Business at UVic announces new partnership offering Biosphere Sustainable tourism certification

Victoria B.C. – The Gustavson School of Business at the University of Victoria announces a new partnership with the Responsible Tourism Institute (RTI) to offer the internationally-renowned Biosphere Sustainable label. This new partnership will empower Gustavson Executive Programs with the rights to offer the certification program in non-Spanish speaking countries across the globe. 

“Through Biosphere Sustainable certification, organizations commit to advancing the 17 Sustainable Development Goals outlined by the United Nations,” said Saul Klein, dean of the Gustavson School of Business. “This is significant for us as a business school because as organizations work towards these societal and environmental goals, we can provide guidance and assurance that these goals are tracking in the right direction. In doing so, we bring together our expertise in sustainability and service management to provide training and advice to the tourism sector and a tool for travellers seeking to support sustainability.” 

Biosphere Sustainable certification is the longest-standing certification of its kind. With over 25 years of experience in the field, the Biosphere Community is the world’s largest international community of destinations and companies aligned with the 2030 Agenda and the 17 SDGs. It stands out for its focus on continuous improvement and transparency of reporting. 

“Consumers in the tourism industry demand experiences aligned with sustainability, and Biosphere is the only one in the world that validates in real time the achievements of companies, and the attributes of the 2030 Agenda, through a transparent and simple system to compare and choose sustainable services,” said Patricio Azcárate Díaz De Losada, Secretary General of the Responsible Tourism Institute. “The Gustavson School of Business at the University of Victoria is among the top institutions in the world advancing and living up to the commitments of UN SDGs and together, we can help connect sustainable businesses with the demands of consumers, in the framework of territories and the 2030 Agenda.” 

“Business has the potential to reverse the tide of climate change, socio-cultural and economic divides,” said Brent Mainprize, director of Biosphere Sustainable certification at Gustavson. “Our vision for Gustavson’s role in Biosphere Sustainable certification is to foster a global community of tourism destinations and businesses committed to interconnected practices that support the natural and cultural heritage, social values ​​and economic benefits for their community, through more efficient and innovative use of their resources. We will be growing the program by adding to the over 1,700 businesses globally that are already committed to and certified with the Biosphere program.”

To learn more about the Gustavson-delivered Biosphere Sustainable certification program. Information about upcoming informational webinars will be available on the Biosphere Sustainable LinkedIn page.    


Media contact:

Louise Stoddart (tartanbond) at 604-351-3623 or Sasha Milam (Gustavson School of Business Communications) at 250-516-2611 or  

About the Peter B. Gustavson School of Business  

The Peter B. Gustavson School of Business at the University of Victoria is dedicated to providing a non-traditional business education and a dynamic learning environment that develops principled managers and leaders who can drive sustainable innovation and social change. Located in Victoria, BC, Gustavson is among the less than one percent of the world's business schools that hold both AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) and EQUIS (European Quality Improvement System) accreditation. Gustavson offers BCom, MBA, MGB, MM and PhD programs, and has more than 100 international partner universities.