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Yudi Santoso

  • PhD (Texas A&M University, 2001)
  • MSc (University of Victoria, 2018)
  • MSc (Bandung Institute of Technology, 1996)
  • BSc (Gadjah Mada University, 1993)
Notice of the Final Oral Examination for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy


Mining Small Subgraphs in Massive Graphs

Department of Computer Science

Date & location

  • Monday, July 31, 2023
  • 3:00 P.M.
  • Virtual Defence


Supervisory Committee

  • Dr. Alex Thomo, Department of Computer Science, University of Victoria (Co-Supervisor)
  • Dr. Venkatesh Srinivasan, Department of Computer Science, UVic (Member)
  • Dr. Xue Zhang, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, UVic (Outside Member)

External Examiner

  • Dr. Fan Jiang, Department of Computer Science, University of Northern British Columbia

Chair of Oral Examination

  • Dr. Sang Nam, Gustavson School of Business, UVic


Graph or network analysis is a much needed method of analysis as it can reveal some insights that will not be obvious through other methods. In a graph, entities are represented by nodes or vertices, and relations or connections among the entities are represented by edges. By analysing a graph we can get invaluable information on how a system works and on how one part of the system is related to the others. Many graph analytical problems require that we find and locate all subgraphs of specific patterns within a given graph. This task is not trivial when we are dealing with massive graphs, of millions or even billions of nodes and edges. In particular, it becomes harder when we want to get it done within a limited time, and with a limited amount of computational resources. In this dissertation, we focus on building efficient algorithms and methods to enumerate graphlets, or small connected induced subgraphs, for both undirected and directed graphs. With our solutions we are able to enumerate up to 5-node graphlets in some massive graphs by using only a single commodity machine, producing trillions of graphlets.