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Rebecca Martens

  • BSc (University of Victoria, 2021)
Notice of the Final Oral Examination for the Degree of Master of Science


Chemometric Strategies for the Detection of Bromazolam and Xylazine in Illicit Opioids Using Surface-Enhanced Raman and Infrared Spectroscopy

Department of Chemistry

Date & location

  • Thursday, August 22, 2024
  • 10:30 A.M.
  • Elliott Building, Room 228

Examining Committee

Supervisory Committee

  • Dr. Dennis Hore, Department of Chemistry, University of Victoria (Supervisor)
  • Dr. Alexandre Brolo, Department of Chemistry, UVic (Member)

External Examiner

  • Dr. Li-Lin Tay, Measurement Science and Standards, NRC Canada

Chair of Oral Examination

  • Dr. Tobias Junginger, Department of Physics and Astronomy, UVic


The detection of trace adulterants in opioid samples is an important aspect of drug checking, a harm reduction measure that is required as a result of the variability and unpredictability of the illicit drug supply. While many analytical methods are suitable for such analysis, community-based approaches require techniques that are amenable to point-of-care applications with minimal sample preparation and automated analysis. We demonstrate that surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy, combined with a random forest classifier, is able to detect the presence of two common sedatives, bromazolam (0.32–36% w/w) and xylazine (0.15–15% w/w), found in street opioid samples collected as a part of a community drug checking service. The Raman predictions, benchmarked against mass spectrometry results, exhibited high specificity for the compounds of interest (88% for bromazolam, 96% for xylazine) and sensitivity (88% for bromazolam, 92% for xylazine). We additionally provide evidence that this exceeds the performance of a more conventional approach using infrared spectral data acquired on the same samples. This demonstrates the feasibility of surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy for point-of-care analysis of challenging multi-component samples containing trace adulterants.

Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy and infrared spectroscopy were integrated into two data fusion strategies - hybrid (concatenated spectra) and high level (fusion of high outputs from both models) - to enhance the predictive accuracy for xylazine detection. Three advanced chemometric approaches - random forest, support vector machine, and k-nearest neighbor algorithms - were employed and optimized using a 5-fold cross-validation grid search for both fusion strategies. Validation results identified the random forest classifier as the optimal model for both fusion strategies, achieving high sensitivity (88% for hybrid, 84% for high level) and specificity (88% for hybrid, 92% for high level). We demonstrate the enhanced practicality of the high level fusion approach, effectively leveraging the surface-enhanced Raman data with a 90% voting weight, without compromising prediction accuracy when combined with infrared spectral data. This highlights the viability of a multi-instrumental approach using data fusion and random forest classification to improve the detection of various components in complex opioid samples for community-based drug checking.