Meet Student Fundraiser Kimberly

Spotlight on Kim
Kim's favourite part about being a student fundraiser? Giving back to UVic!

This is the second of a series of spotlights on members of our student fundraising team. Student fundraisers connect with alumni and donors to update their records and request support for UVic programs and initiatives. 

What do you like best about being a student fundraiser?

My favorite part of being a fundraiser is giving back to the university. I love seeing the monetary value that I am helping to contribute, and spreading the word on funds and scholarships that I am passionate about. 

Tell me about an interesting call you made recently.

I recently had this conversation with a math tutor who actually lives down the road from me. I told her that I was taking a challenging calculus course this semester and she said I am welcome to come by anytime for some help. I might just take her up on that!

What surprised you most about this role?

How much amazing advice alumni have for students! I have had so many wonderful conversations with alumni about how to achieve my career goals.

What fund are you most excited to talk to alumni donors about, and why?

All the funds are great, but I think University 101 and 102 are the ones I am most excited about. University 101 and 102 are free non-credited academic courses held on campus for those who want to experience university courses but do not have the financial means to enroll. Meals are provided at the beginning of class along with bus fare and all course materials.