Mika Laulainen

Mika Laulainen (BFA'12) is a theatre maker based out of Vancouver, BC. She holds a BFA in Theatre from the University of Victoria with a specialization in Direction, and has trained with The Old Trout Puppet Workshop at the Banff Puppet Intensive and Emmanuelle Delpech of Pig Iron Theatre Company. She is a director, playwright, puppeteer, and producer of theatre with an emphasis on devised and ensemble based creation.
In its 2011-2012 season, Mika was the Producing Artistic Director of SATCo, the Student Alternative Theatre Company at UVic, and she served on the board for three years prior. She currently produces her own work under the banner of star star theatre.
Past work includes her plays WILD/SOCIETY (CAFF 2016) and Runaway (Theatre SKAM 2015), directing Kolejka, a devised puppet play (rEvolver 2016) and Simon Stephens’ Pornography (Dramatic Works Series 2015), and puppeteering in Somebody Loves You, Mr Hatch (Axis Theatre 2016).