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Pride 2024

UVic celebrates the 2SLGBTQIA+ (Two-Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual and more) members of the UVic and broader community.

Pride is about celebrating visibility and joining together in a struggle for justice. The need for justice continues—2SLGBTQIA+ people still face discrimination, violence, homelessness and marginalization. We are taking time to reflect on how we can make our campus more welcoming for everyone.
Colour composite of people, peacock, animals, totem, buildings

Celebrate Pride Week

“Pride has always been about resisting the violences enacted on our community and envisioning a world in which our collective liberation can manifest. Every year, we celebrate the hard-won progress that has been made in advancing socio-political rights for gender and sexual minorities, while also understanding how far we still have to go." 

—Beau Houle (they/them), communications officer, Gender Empowerment Centre 

Monday, June 24 – Friday, June 28

Pronoun Button Making

Customize your pronoun button! UVic Libraries is hosting a drop-in pronoun button-making event at the Mearns–McPherson Library from 1 p.m. – 3 p.m.
Tuesday, June 25

Drag Bingo at UVic

Attention all UVic faculty & staff! Join us at the Grad House for Drag Bingo with local drag artists Eddi Licious and Vivian Vanderpuss. The last number will raise funds for the Gender Empowerment Centre on campus.
Thursday, June 27 – Sunday, July 7

2024 Pride Festival

The 2024 Victoria Pride Festival runs from June 27 to July 7. Celebrate Pride through community-wide events including the Memorial Drag Ball Game, the Big Gay Dog Walk and more!

Sunday, July 7

Pride Parade

Join the Chair in Transgender Studies and CUPE 917 at the 2024 Victoria Pride Parade.

UVic in the Pride Parade

You're invited by CUPE 917 to represent UVic in the Pride parade on July 7 as part of the 2024 Victoria Pride Festival! Contact Maria Walker to get involved.

Trans+ people and allies can join the Chair in Transgender Studies in the parade or visit their booth at the Pride Festival in Macdonald Park. Visit their social events page to learn more.

Campus groups

UVic Pride Collective
A large group of people gather outside in Victoria's inner harbour.
A UVSS advocacy group, UVic Pride is an organization for all people who are queer, queer-positive, gender-variant and/or intersex. Panels, hangouts, games, Q&A sessions and more events focused on the needs of 2SLGBTQIA+ are listed on the UVic Pride Collective page.
Chair in Transgender Studies
Person in front of a large group with a rainbow fan at a Pride parade.
The UVic Chair in Transgender Studies works to drive social change and improve the well-being of Trans+ people. They facilitate activities, get-togethers and more for Trans+ people and their allies.
Gender Empowerment Centre
Black and white logo of the Gender Empowerment Centre.
UVSS advocacy group Gender Empowerment Centre is an inclusive space, focused on the needs of self-identified women, non-binary, trans and gender non-conforming folks to organize, network, access resources, attend workshops and events, study and relax. The GEM space is open to both UVic students and community members.
Books displayed on a counter.

Transgender archives

UVic is home to the largest collection of original documents recording the history of pioneering activists, community leaders and researchers who have contributed to the betterment of Trans+ people. They are available to the public for free.