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Advancing equity action

The Equity Action Plan’s goals provide UVic with strategic direction to advance equity, diversity and inclusion, and to create the conditions in which everyone feels a sense of belonging: as connected and respected parts of the university community.

scenes of knowledge painting by  Claire Jorgensen
Scenes of Knowledge by Claire Jorgensen


After months of community engagement in 2022, five overarching goals emerged as the focus of the Equity Action Plan (EAP). Drawing on the experiences, advice and recommendations from students, staff, faculty and other UVic community members, each goal includes a list of identified barriers and measurable actions to further that goal and address those barriers. Learn more about how to read this plan.

The EAP is an integral part of UVic’s institutional planning. We commit to ongoing adjustments as our dynamic planning environment continues to evolve as informed by UVic's Strategic Plan and Indigenous Plan.

Blue icon graphic of three figures with a single speech bubble containing a light bulb

Equity-centred culture

Create an inclusive campus community that values diversity and challenges dominant systems of power, including colonization, white supremacy and heteropatriarchy, through research, teaching, curriculum, policy and practice.

Blue icon graphic of the earth with two light bulbs

Relationality and belonging

Transform university structures and practices to show value for diverse lived experiences and ways of knowing to build relationships across and beyond UVic.

Blue icon graphic of a magnifying glass containing a figure

Recruitment and retention

Attract, advance, and retain students, staff, faculty, librarians and senior leadership from systemically and historically marginalized communities.

Blue icon graphic of a figure at a desk with a speech bubble

Access and support

Create equitable support structures that address the diverse access needs of the campus community.

Blue icon graphic of a figure with microphones on their desk and a graph behind them

Institutional accountability

Conduct ongoing, transparent evaluations of this action plan with continued opportunities for meaningful engagement and feedback with/from the community.

Access the plan

Learn how to read the plan and then browse the goals pages above to find out what we heard during community engagement and view the actions UVic has committed to undertaking. 

Want to print the Equity Action Plan? Download the version linked below.

Territory acknowledgement

We acknowledge and respect the Lək̓ʷəŋən (Songhees and Esquimalt) Peoples on whose territory the university stands, and the Lək̓ʷəŋən and W̱SÁNEĆ Peoples whose historical relationships with the land continue to this day.

We invite you to learn about the lands on which UVic stands and on which you are situated. One way to do this is to watch UVic’s territorial acknowledgment video.

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