Dr. Lyndze Harvey

Dr. Lyndze Harvey
Assistant Teaching Professor, Social Studies and Philosophical Foundations
Curriculum and Instruction
Office: MacLaurin A532

PhD (Educational Studies) University of Victoria, MA (Social, Cultural and Foundational Studies) University of Victoria, BEd (Primary/Junior) Queen's University, BA (Women's Studies and English) Trent University

  • Political Education

  • Pluralistic Democracy

  • Confronting Coloniality in Education

  • Critical Education

  • Critical Pedagogy

  • Morality & Values-Based Education

  • Dismantling Classroom Management

  • SOGI

  • EDID

  • Storytelling and Narrative Approaches

  • Research Methodologies

  • Transformative Inquiry

  • Social Studies Education

  • Historical and Philosophical Foundations in Education

  • Curriculum Studies

  • Education Discourses

  • Research Methodologies 

  • Transformative Inquiry

  • Narratives of Leadership

  • Diverse Voices and Visions

Harvey, L. (2025). Changing Our Point of Departure: The Colonial Roots of the Scaffolded Explanation and How We Can Rethink this Practice. In M. Kariwo & C. El Bouhali (Eds.), From Theory to Praxis: Decolonizing Epistemologies and Worldviews in Education. Routledge.
Harvey, L. (2023). Review of Critical Reflections on Teacher Education: Why Future Teachers Need Educational Philosophy by H. Woodhouse (Routledge, 2023). Philosophical Inquiry in Education. 30(3), pp. 252-259. https://journals.sfu.ca/pie/index.php/pie/article/view/1665  ​
Harvey, L. (2020). Absence of Praxis, Absence of Progressivism: The Need for Pedagogical Praxis for Progressivist Educators [Conference Abstract]. Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies. 18(1).
Harvey, L. C. (2020). "Those kids can't handle their freedom": A philosophical footnote exploring self-regulation in classroom teaching practice [Doctoral dissertation, University of Victoria]. . UVicSpace Institutional Repository.https://dspace.library.uvic.ca/bitstream/handle/1828/11741/Harvey_Lyndze_PHD_2020.pdf?sequence=3&isAllowed=y 
Bakker, C.; Dubansky, K.; Harvey, L. and McDonough (2019). The Inadequacies of Assigning “My Philosophy of Education” Statements in Teacher Education Courses. Philosophical Inquiry in Education. 26(1), pp. 1-19. https://journals.sfu.ca/pie/index.php/pie/article/view/1067#:~:text=This%20paper%20argues%20that%20the,of%20philosophy%20of%20education%20courses
Harvey, L. (2017). Review of Every Person is a Philosopher: Lessons in educational emancipation from the radical teaching life of Hal Adams by Ayers, W.; Heller, C. & Hurtig, J. (Eds.). Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, 27(1), pp. 17-20.https://journalhosting.ucalgary.ca/index.php/cjeap/article/view/42072 
​Harvey, L. C. (2015). Letting go: A departure from liberal moral education, embracing teacher transformation, & evolving pedagogies of resistance [Master's thesis, University of Victoria]. UVicSpace Institutional Repository. http://dspace.library.uvic.ca/handle/1828/6679  

Harvey, L & T. F. (2024, June 14-18). Is Canada the Education Dreamland? A narrative inquiry of lived ideology in Elementary schools in Iran and Canada [Paper Presentation]. 93rd Annual Congress: Canadian Society for the Study of Education Conference, Montreal, Quebec. 
Harvey, L (2024, June 14-18). Classroom Management: Through a decolonial lens [Paper Presentation]. Canadian Society for the Study of Education Conference, 93rd Annual Meeting, Montreal, Quebec.
Reid, N.; Harvey, L.; Manning-Lewis, T.; Milford, T.M.; Paskevicius, M.; Raisinghani, L.; Robertson, K. & Sanford, K. (2023, July 12-14). Developing a Departmental EDID Committee: Re-imagining Policies and Practices to Decolonize Teacher Education [Paper Presentation]. World Federation of Associations for Teacher Education, Seventh Biennial Conference, Victoria, BC.
Harvey, L. & T.F. (2023, March 23-25). Representations of Oppression in Visual Images of Farsi Textbooks in First-Grade Elementary Schools [Paper Presentation]. 10th Biannual Provoking Curriculum Conference, London, Ontario.
Harvey, L. (2023, May 27-June 1). What Progressivist Education is NOT: Hobbes or Rousseau [Paper Presentation]. Canadian Society for the Study of Education Conference, 92nd Annual Meeting of Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Toronto, Ontario. 
Harvey, L. (2023, May 27-June 1). Freedom Forest: A Competency-Inspired Tool for Teaching 'Freedom' [Paper Presentation]. Canadian Society for the Study of Education Conference, 92nd Annual Meeting of Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Toronto, Ontario. 
Harvey, L. (2021, May 30-June 3). Self-Regulation in Two Primary Classrooms: from supporting stress resiliency to encouraging democracy [Paper Presentation]. Canadian Society for the Study of Education Conference, 90th Annual Meeting of Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Edmonton, Alberta.
Harvey, L. (2021, May 30-June 3). Our Progressivist Condition: Hobbes, Rousseau, and what Progressivist Education is Not [Paper Presentation]. Canadian Philosophy of Education Society at the Canadian Society for the Study of Education Conference, 90th Annual Meeting of Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Edmonton, Alberta.
Harvey, L. (2020, May 29-June 4). Absence of Praxis, Absence of Progressivist: the need for pedagogical praxis for progressivist educators [Abstract accepted for canceled presentation]. Canadian Society for the Study of Education Conference, 89th Annual Meeting of Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, London, Ontario.
Harvey, L. (2020, May 29-June 4). The Praxis of Self-Regulation in Two Primary Classrooms: from supporting stress resiliency to democracy [Abstract accepted for canceled presentation]. Canadian Society for the Study of Education Conference, 89th Annual Meeting of Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, London, Ontario.

Harvey, L. (2019, June 1-7). “Those kids can’t handle their freedom”: An exploration of self-regulation in classroom teaching practice in relation to progressivist goals [Paper Presentation]. Canadian Society for the Study of Education Conference, 88th Annual Meeting of Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Vancouver, British Columbia.
Harvey, L. & McDonough, G. (2018, May 26-June 1). “My Philosophy of Education” Assignments do a Disservice to Teacher Candidates, Schools, and Society [Paper Presentation]. Canadian Philosophy of Education Society, 87th Annual Meeting of Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Regina, Saskatchewan.
Harvey, L. & McDonough, G. (2018, May 26-June 1). Changing Our Point of Departure: Abandoning Scaffolding in Philosophical Method and Teaching Practice [Paper Presentation]. Canadian Philosophy of Education Society, 87th Annual Meeting of Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Regina, Saskatchewan.
Harvey, L. (2017, May 27-June 2). Intentionally Teaching: Unintentional Lessons in the Instruction of Self-Regulation [Paper Presentation]. Canadian Society for the Study of Education Conference, 86th Annual Meeting of Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Toronto, Ontario.
Harvey, L. (2016, May 6-7). “A Praxis of ‘Letting Go’’ Overcoming Barriers to Enacting Freirian Liberatory Pedagogies [Paper Presentation]. International Conference on Paulo Freire, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia.
Harvey, L. (2015, October 28). “The Praxis of ‘Letting Go”: Encouraging resistance by subverting our role as teachers and parents [Paper Presentation]. Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education: The Art of Resistance & Liberation, Victoria, British Columbia.
Harvey, L. (2015, May 30-June 5). Beyond Politics? The Origins of Why We Teach Virtues [Paper Presentation]. Canadian Philosophy of Education Society Conference, 84th Annual Meeting of Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Ottawa, Ontario.