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UVic Style Guide

The UVic Editorial Style Guide was created for anyone who works on UVic communications. It applies to all general, promotional and marketing communications materials, official correspondence, and reports and submissions to university governing bodies. It is not intended to apply to teaching, scholarly or research texts.


Any style guide, this one included, is a work in progress. As new editorial questions arise and language and usage change, the style guide will evolve. University Communications and Marketing welcomes input from users to make this guide more useful. This site will announce additions, changes and updates to the guide.

Spelling authority

The university uses the Canadian Oxford Dictionary as its spelling authority. It can be searched online via the UVic Library.

Abbreviations, acronyms & initialisms

Learn when to use lower case vs. upper case and abbreviations vs. spelling out in full.


Learn when and what to capitalize including after punctuation, on job titles, academic programs and subjects.

Geographic locations

Learn about different place names, how to format addresses and when to abbreviate and capitalize geographic locations.

Inclusive language

Learn how to incorporate inclusive language into your communications work.


Learn about how to incorporate internet terminology and style into your communications work.


Learn about the different types of lists and how and when to use them.


Learn how numbers should be used including dates and times, measurements and percentages.


Learn when to use punctuation marks including commas, dashes and hyphens.

University terms

Learm about using university terms.

Appendix A: academic degrees

Learn about accepted abbreviations of academic degrees at UVic.

Appendix B: word list

Find a handy reference list of troublesome words