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Cifal Victoria was officially launched in March 2022 at First Peoples House at UVic

CIFAL Victoria annual report 2022

CIFAL Victoria was officially launched on March 22, 2022 with a mandate to deliver training activities and research that build on UVic's commitments to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP).

During its first year of operations, CIFAL Victoria has connected the region with the global community and supported international knowledge-sharing and partnerships, as well as gathering and measuring data on our impact in advancing the SDGs.

“In order to build capacity around the Sustainable Development Goals, we need to adapt the way universities think about training. CIFAL Victoria puts us on the cutting edge of specialized training, allowing us to offer timely micro-credentials, short courses and co-designed programs that fit the needs of learners.”

— Kevin Hall, UVic president and vice-chancellor, and chair of  CIFAL Victoria

By the numbers

From March to December 2022, CIFAL Victoria activities included:


Training hours



Events & partners


events hosted



CIFAL Victoria partners
  • Academia: 60%
  • Government: 15%
  • International organizations: 15%
  • NGOs: 5%
  • Other: 5%

  • UN Habitat
  • UNESCO Chairs in Community Based Research 
  • Salish Sea Hub
  • Victoria Foundation
  • Kesho Trust
  • Swedish International Centre for Local Democracy (ICLD)
  • World Higher Education Conference
  • Senate of Canada
  • Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions (PICS)

  • Claremont Secondary School

  • Saint Margaret's School

  • UVic - Division of Learning and Teaching Support and Innovation
  • UVic - Faculty of Social Sciences
  • UVic - Faculty of Science
  • UVic - Gustavson School of Business
  • UVic - Faculty of Human and Social Development

  • UVic - Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science
  • UVic - Center for Global Studies
  • UVic - Libraries

Geographical distribution
  • North America: 16
  • Europe: 3
  • Africa: 1
Event types
  • UN accredited courses: 1
  • Forum: 5
  • Workshop: 3
  • Seminar: 3
  • Side event: 3
  • Conference: 3
  • Webinar: 1
Event format
  • Hybrid: 12
  • In-person: 6
  • Web-based: 2

2022 spotlight

School of Community Based and Participatory Research in Tanzania

Autumn School on CBPR and SDG Leadership

30 leaders and researchers from Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Sweden gathered in a six-week online and a four-day in-person training in Tanzania, building capacity in Community-based Participatory Research (CBPR) with a special focus on addressing community-identified research needs linked to the Sustainable Development Goals and their implementation.

Living with Climate Change event on campus

Student-led learning series on ‘Living with Climate Change’

Living With Climate Change was a set of roundtables, reflective workshops, story telling, community mapping and a field trip aimed to help address climate anxiety and inspire constructive local action. Organized by the Department of Geography and the Division of Learning and Teaching Support and Innovation, it partnered with students from local secondary schools to host community mapping tables around campus, inviting participants to share climate change innovations, and explore the UN SDGs.

Dashboard mapping the SDGs training work on campus

SDGs at UVic - Dashboard

CIFAL Victoria created a data dashboard to highlight the training initiatives to advance the Sustainable Development Goals, developed by staff, faculty and leadership at the university of Victoria.

A total of 104 initiatives were identified and uploaded onto a public dashboard that can be navigated through different filters such as: departments, SDGs and level of integration.