New IT support request system

We’re excited to launch our new IT support request system in August 2024. This will help us create a more efficient IT support experience for the UVic community.

What is changing

When you email, a ticket will be created in the new system. This ticket will be used to track your support request and send it to the best IT resources to solve your problem. Our support staff will send you an email through this ticket.

When you request help through our contact form, your submission will go to your usual IT support person in the new system. A ticket will be created, and our support staff will send you an email through this ticket.

The emails will include links that let you check the progress of your tickets.

What's not changing

Our ticketing system is upgrading, but the way you contact us for help stays the same. You can still email, fill out our contact form, call us at 250-721-7687, or visit us in-person.


If you have any questions about this change, contact the Computer Help Desk or your department’s IT support.