Congratulations to Adele Mark, Kellie-Anne Goldberg and Rachel Kaufman - 2nd place win at CMBD!

On March 3, first year students, Adele Mark, Kellie - Anne Goldberg, and Rachel Kaufman won second place at the Collegiate Moot Beit Din (CMBD) at Princeton University in New Jersey. CMBD is the only inter - collegiate and pluralistic Jewish legal debate competition, attracting participants from across the globe. CMDB is a platform that bolsters learning by challenging students to grapple with contemporary ethical dilemmas through he prism of Jewish law. The weekend consisted of several riveting academic lectures and group discussions about this year's topic, the impact and importance of the #MeToo movement. For the debate, teams were tasked to evaluate if the #MeToo whisper networks were an effective platform of empowerment and protection against sexual harassment that also conformed to the standards of Jewish law and ethics. The University of Victoria team’s winning argument proposed an alternate response to sexual harassment that allows women to stand up for themselves and challenge societal ideals of women as weak, inferior, and passive. The team is looking forward to returning again next year.

Both Adele and Rachel are currently enrolled in Sociology 100B with Bruce Ravelli. Congratulations!

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Mark Goldberg Kaufman