The Challenge of Climate Justice. Can We Make A Just Transition From Fossil Capitalism?

University of Victoria - Social Justice Studies Program  Annual Lecture

The Challenge of Climate Justice. Can We Make A Just Transition From Fossil Capitalism?

A Talk with Dr. William Carroll

Tuesday, March 19th, 2019
David Turpin Building, Room A110
Free event. All are welcome!


Dr. Carroll was found Director of the Interdisciplinary Program in Social Justice Studies at the University of Victoria. He is a critical sociologist with research interests in the political economy/ecology of corporate capitalism, social movements and social change, and critical social theory and method. His current research is focused around the relationships between corporate power, fossil capitalism and the climate crisis. He co-directs "Mapping the power of the carbon-extractive corporate resource sector," an SSHRC-funded partnership of several universities and civil-society organizations which traces the modalities of corporate power and resistance within the global political economy, focusing on fossil capital based in western Canada.


Fossil Capitalism