Jim Tanaka: 2017 Craigdarroch Award for Excellence

Dear Colleagues,

The Craigdarroch Research Awards were established in 2003 to recognize outstanding research-focused and creative contributions at the University of Victoria. This year, nominations were received across campus in five categories, including career achievement, research excellence, knowledge mobilization and research partnerships.

All nominees have advanced knowledge in their fields and have, in a diversity of ways, impacted our world for the better. They exemplify the University of Victoria’s commitment to research excellence. Thank you to the nominators who took the time and effort to nominate their colleagues.

I am most pleased to announce this year’s recipients:

• David H. Turpin Gold Medal for Career Achievement in Research

  • Dr. Neena L. Chappell, Professor Emeritus, Department of Sociology and Institute on Aging and Health

• Silver Medal for Excellence in Research

  • Dr. Scott McIndoe, Professor, Department of Chemistry

• Award for Excellence in Artistic Expression

  • Dr. Suzanne Snizek, Assistant Professor, School of Music

• Award for Excellence in Knowledge Mobilization

  • Dr. James Tanaka, Professor, Department of Psychology

• Award for Excellence in Research Partnerships

  • ARC Hub PHN and Dr. Nikolai Dechev, Associate Professor, Department of Engineering

Please join me in congratulating our colleagues. A celebration event to formally recognize each of them for their commitment and contributions to research excellence will take place in late May.


David Castle