Rosaline Canessa interviewed about new federal support for whale research

Geography's Rosaline Canessa was interviwed by CTV-VI, CBC Radio and CFAX about an exciting funding announcement by the federal government. Fisheries and Oceans Canada Minister Dominic LeBlanc announced the funding recently in Vancouver as part of $3.1 million for research focused on the issue of underwater noise. The funding supports the work of three UVic researchers: Canessa, who will lead the vessel disturbance study; Francis Juanes the lead investigator for the chinook salmon research; and Stan Dosso, who will lead the echolocation research. Their research will increase knowledge of how noise from human activities is impacting the resident whales and chinook, and affecting the quality of the marine environment.  Only 76 whales remain in the southern resident population, which forages for chinook salmon in its core range off southern Vancouver Island. UVic News

whale noise study