General Interest: The ‘Oka Crisis’ : A Digital Atlas from UVic Ethnographic Mapping Lab

The "Oka Crisis": A Digital Atlas of the 1990 Events at Kanehsata:ke encapsulates years of protest against colonialism, culminating in "policy change and Indigenous visibility." The resource uses a map, broken into six chapters, with pinned locations, pictures, and information, that offers educators a "user-friendly, interactive resource to supplement their current curriculum and counter the collective 'forgetting' and unfounded stereotypes and narratives that surround the Kanien'keha:ka resistance and uprising." At the bottom of the main page, readers will find information on how to use the map, as well as a variety of additional related resources to explore. After reviewing how to use the map, instructors can check out the suggested lesson plan, which is broken into three parts (downloadable as PDFs), each meant to last approximately 50-minutes. Part One breaks down an instructor-led simulation meant to introduce students to "the context, events, and impacts of the 1990 Kanehsata:ke's resistance." Part Two asks students to work in groups to reflect on what they've learned and explore a specific chapter of the map in their group. Part Three puts the students in the driver's seat, asking them to share out to their classmates what their group learned. The "Oka Crisis": A Digital Atlas of the 1990 Events at Kanehsata:ke is a project of the University of Victoria's Anthropology Department Ethnographic Mapping Lab. Readers who enjoy this resource may want to explore other archived content from the Lab. 



The Scout report -- Volume 26, number 8. The Scout Report -- Volume 26, Number 8 | Internet Scout. (n.d.).